Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Winter Soldiers #5 Striking Back or Striking Out
Author PatC
Method Solo
Victor Germany
Play Date 2011-11-30
Language English
Scenario WiSo005

The Axis set up in the village with positions on either flank and several hundred meters in advance in the woods on the Axis left and the fields on the Axis right. These positions were dug in and mutually supporting.

The Allies decided to approach through the fields as opposed to the woods expecting to meet a weaker force. Units then could still use the fields to cover their approach to the village. As the Allies came up to the Axis foxhole line there was a vicious close range exchange of fire that caused the Allies to loose 2 entire M5 platoons, an Infantry platoon and two M3 platoons. OUCH! But in return the Allies eliminated the 75mmIG, 2 Gren platoons and two HTs. On the initiative roll for the next turn, 08:30, a special event caused the Allies OBA to run out of ammo. But on that same turn the Allies got the initiative by 1. They were faced with a dilemma. They could safely get adjacent to the Axis at the moment because the Axis were disrupted and demoralized. But on the turn following if the Allies did not get the first activation they would be sitting ducks right under Axis guns (assuming the Axis had recovered on the previous turn, which was likely). The Allies decided to gamble and made the move. The Axis not only failed to get a shot but failed to recover. Strike 1.

On several other turns this sequence was repeated. The Axis getting the worst of it each time even loosing the precious Panther platoon to Allied crossfire bonus. Not to mention another Gren platoon. Strike 2

Then in the end the Axis just did not have enough units left to cover many village hexes allowing the Allies to just roll in and occupy empty hexes on the last turn. Strike 3. Axis OUT!

Despite inflicting just about equal losses on the Allies the Axis just whiffed every pitch it was thrown. They failed to break up the initial Allied advance taking as many step losses as they inflicted. They failed to get the first activation on key turns and thus lost their armor. In addition they failed to leave enough units to occupy village hexes in the end game. A large part of the Axis plan was to give the Allies a bloody nose with the forward positions and then fall back into the town. Well it worked except for the falling back part. There wasn't much left to fall back with. I'm giving this scenario a 4 because of the many variable strategys that both sides can use. The way this scenario turned out is a perfect example of why in PZ GREN it is sometimes better to be lucky than skilled. A fact that every student of military history can attest to.

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