Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Some times your luck runs out.
Author campsawyer
Method Solo
Victor Germany
Play Date 2011-11-30
Language English
Scenario WiSo012

This looked to be a quick and interesting scenario for a solo game. The fight is very small with the American Task Force looking to clear a town and road from the German SS troops. The Germans are a little hamstrung by having only a company of troops, no OBA and must wait for there armor. The Americans have two companies plus armor support and OBA. The leaders for both sides were unimpressive, with the Germans having a 10-1-1 HPSTFR being the best unit on the board. The Americans have a 9-1-0 Capt and 9-0-1 LT but the rest are all X-0-0s. The VC's have the Americans taking the town AND clearing the road, which was a tall order for the Americans.

The setup has the Germans around the town at 914 as well as positioning their mortars in the woods behind them to provide support fire. All units are dugin except the HMG in the town. The Americans setup just north of the east-west road in groups of INF and M3s or INFs and HMG/M4s. The American mortar is in the field. All units are dugin except of the units in the town.

So turn 1 turns on the Americans on the very first roll. The Germans win the initiative and get two activations followed by the roll for the PzIVH. A 5, it appears on the first turn and the Americans need to rethink the advance of the INF and armor combinations. The German mortars open fire and disrupt an American INF even before they can get going, while the tank moves to position on the hill to the southeast. The Americans shuffle their troops during the advance with the infantry taking the lead and the tanks pulling back to the town seeing as the PzIVH now commands the field before their advance. American OBA does show one bright point by disrupting a German GREN dugin in front of the town.

Turns 2 and 3 have the Americans advancing toward the town while the Germans OP fire on them. The Germans are able to get disruptions on some of the units and slows the advance. By turn 4 the Americans are ready to advance toward the dugin Germans that cannot seem to recover. The Americans are able to get 2 INF's in position but not before German OP fire kills one INF step. But the Americans are cloassaultingalting the first German defender.

Turn 5 has the Americans getting into the dugin Germans and demoralizing them. They are force to flee when they fail to recover an are eliminated. German fire is weak and the Americpositionedositoned to attack the town. MeanwhAmericansmercains to the right approach the PzIVH exposed on the hill and force it back under assault assualt. German OP continues to be weak.

Turn 6 has the Americans firing on the town with the German HPSTFR and GREN/HMG defending. The German stack is disruptedalonghis alongs the Americans to try to get more troops next to the town. German OP continue to miss or get mild morale checks. By this point the American armoopportunitypporutinty to try to dash forward and take out the mortars and suassaultse assualts. They move down the road and around the town after the German PzIVH is forced to OP fire on the advancing American INF's.

Turn 7 has the Americans assaulting the town. They make it in with a good group to possibly get a kill. But it doesn't happen on this turn, they have to settle for M2 that demoralized the Germans. It seems it won't be long for them. The American tanks continue into the woods and threaten the German mortars. The PzIVH is force to move back to counter this more and it heads down the road for the back side of the town. This will force the American to either shoot or run.

Turn 8 has the Americans going first, the M4 fires on the PzIVH and rolls a 12, step loss, but the Germans survive the morale check. Return fire misses and the M4 surassaultIn the assualt the Americans have a 24 column attack, but rolls a 1. The Germans are able to survive for another turn. The HPSTFR attempts to rally the demoralized troops and succeeds. This is a not bad sign for the American attack.

Turn 9 has the Americansassaultuing the assualt but again no German losses and the American troops become disrupted. The tank battle continue with both the M4 and PzIVH missing with there shots. Time is running out and the Germans still have the town and units by the road.

Turn 10 the assaults continues in the town, but fails to score any losses. This leaves the town contested and enough to prevent an American win.

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