Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Americans Leg It ! - But Its Considered A Draw ?
Author vince hughes (Germany)
Method Face to Face
Victor Draw
Participants waynebaumber (AAR)
Play Date 2011-11-19
Language English
Scenario BaBu001

Game played ftf with Wayne Baumber on one of our 'short quick scenarios' gaming days. I chose this as so many others had played out this battle so why not us. Only a tiny amount of units involved so I'm going to admit with surprise that I really liked this scenario. Here's the report (with game terminology bracketed) followed by the end 'chatter'

E company, 10th US Infantry Regiment were ordered to advance on the hill facing them and take one of the three points located on it (VC Objectives). Facing them were infantrymen of the 212th Volksgrenadier Division. At 0930 hours the American advance got under way led by the company’s Captain. At 1000 hours and upon reaching within 300 yards of the hill, the troopers began to receive fire from the Volksgrenadiers raised positions. These opening bursts of fire unsteadied the American platoon at the centre of the advance (demoralised) and the forward movement of the US soldiers was instantly shaken.(command sub-activation broken) Failing to recover in time and leaving the line in a disordered and uncoordinated state, there was no option for the Amis but to backtrack to the wooded area behind them. This was even more so as German reinforcements in the guise of another two grenadier platoons and an MG platoon were now advancing on the Americans from the west.

The German defenders on the hill were unable to follow up too quickly for fear of any American surprise ‘double-back’ movement attempt that may have ended with their positions being swiped from under their noses. For that reason, their follow-up was measured. The Americans presented only one real opportunity during the retirement to be fired upon in a open position, but the German fire received was mainly ineffective.(see end comments from author :-) The Americans continued into the safety and cover of the woodlands and there the short battle would end.(This went the whole 8 turns and was not ended early by the special rule).

If one wanted to analyse things, then tactically, the engagement was a German advantage overall (being chased into the woods to avoid 2 step-losses), but with casualties so low (neither side lost a step) and countable on both hands of the two sides, the meeting of these protagonsists was considered a draw.

Though there were no casualties, it was still a thoroughly engaging short scenario. The high-point came in turn 7 when, for once, a German fire group that totalled 16 for the direct fire column had the chance with a double 1 rolled to knock out a 2X loss on the Americans and win the game. "Double one and you win" said Wayne. Last time he said that in a BotB game (Reuler), I amazingly rolled it to take out the VC point artillery battery and win. Realising what he said, he covered his mouth with his hand saying "idiot" at the same time. I rolled the dice down the dice tower and one landed on a 1. The other dice spun madly for 3 seconds or so with Wayne exclaiming "I don't f***ing believe it". My 1-36 chance was down to 1-6. With me giggling waiting for it to stop, it was only disappointment that followed as the die landed on a '4' for a rolled 5 M1 MC result. Good fun and draw to keep both sides content (even though the essence and spirit of victory was with my Volksgrenadiers LOL). A decent 3 rating from me

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