Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
The Scenario Does an About Face Half Way Thru
Author KirkH
Method Solo
Victor Italy
Play Date 2011-11-05
Language English
Scenario AfKo018

Italians set up per scenario rules although I made adjustments to be within stacking limitations. British armor drove forward and tried to exploit the gap to the west of the main road. The Italian AT and artillery guns had an easy time of it and hammered the thin skinned armored cars and MKVIb tanks from all sides, eliminating many of them. Those that weren't eliminated and/or demoralized retreated and pushed forward again, but this time they headed north east atop the large hill. At this point it looked like a major victory for the Italians, but then the A9's and A10's arrived. They quickly moved up the road, climbed the eastern hill, and made their way toward the Italian lines. They slammed into the lines and immediately began assaulting the Italian infantry. The Italians began surrendering in droves, but always had more troops to throw into the fray. As the game drew to a conclusion, the British armor had gotten to within two hexes of the objective, but there were still stacks of Italians to overcome. It was a victory for the Italians, but I can see this going the other way if the initial British thrust had been in the same area as the that of the reinforcements. A very enjoyable scenario that looks one way at the beginning, but takes on a completely different atmosphere half way through.

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