Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Scenario 5/112: Crossing at Alytus – Fun blowing up T-26s
Author GeneSteeler
Method Solo
Victor Germany
Play Date 2008-10-06
Language English
Scenario EFDx005


22 June 1941 – German forces cross the Alytus River and meet Russian resistance, who try to halt their advance. (German Score – Russian Score)

15:15 Russian infantry and AT forces begin to dig in on hill 945 but get attacked by Ju88s from the German Luftwaffe! Berfore they can even sneeze, a 45mm AT and half an infantry platoon are eliminated! (2-0)

German forces advance, led by their Pz38t platoons. As they have improved range over the Russian T-26s, the latter pull back to stay out of range.

15:30 – 15:45 German Luftwaffe keeps the AT guns under the bomb as the German forces begin a flanking manoeuvre to the north. T-26s continue to back up along the road, preparing for a quick ‘breakout’ to get into range.

16:00 Luftwaffe (JU87 and BF110) eliminate another Russian AT Gun and Infantry Step (4-0). The final AT Gun opens up long range fire against the approaching Pz38ts.

16:15 The Tank Battle begins in earnest with the German Pz38ts opening up with long range fire and the T-26s charging in to counter-attack. Long range fire eliminates 3 Russian armour steps and another platoon is devastated charging the German position! Incredible shooting results in a quarter of the Russian armour eliminated! (14-0)

Meanwhile, Luftwaffe demoralizes the last of the Russian AT guns while Russian Artillery and Mortars disrupt the advancing German infantry.

16:30 Air Support forces the final AT crew to flee their guns (15-0)

Russian Armour continues it’s counter-attack against the superior Pz38ts. Not as luck as their initial barrage, only a few (one step) of Russian tanks are lost. (17-0)

16:45 German AT armour efficiency knocks off another two T-26 steps (21-0). The Russian armour scores it’s first Pz38t kill! (21-2)

Russian infantry in the south trees storms north toward the GE armour to help the 5th Tank Division

17:00 German armour continues to pound away at the Russian tanks. Only two Russian T-26s remain at full strength (23-2). Things are looking even worse for the Russians at the German armour reinforcements reach the south bridge (to the west).

German Luftwaffe strafes the Russian infantry advancing in the south.

17:15 German armour pulls away from the advancing Russian infantry while the remainder destroys two T-26 platoons! (31-2) A second Pz38t platoon loses some tanks (31-4).

An infantry battle ensues.

17:30 – 17:45 German armour reinforcements begin to fire upon Russian infantry causing severe losses (34-4) as the Russians begin to flee.

Russian mortar fire catches German infantry in the open (34-5)

Russian fleeing infantry is eliminated in close assault.

Meanwhile, Russian tanks try to rally in the east.

18:00 – 18:15 German armour eliminates the final Russian T-26s holding the road and begin to advance. (37-5)

Luftwaffe and Pz38t reinforcements continue to mop up the Russian infantry (39-5). A German half platoon is eliminated in the assault (39-6) as the Russian Lt leading the assault dies from a wound.

18:30 T-26s in the south are eliminated as the Russian infantry is overrun! (43-6)

18:45 The German Panzers storm in between the hill and the fields taking light fire from rallied T-26s as the German armoured cars cut off the Russian FAI from flanking.

German infantry takes some losses from Russian assault (43-7)

19:00 The Panzers open fire and three T-26 half platoons are lost! (49-7)

The FAI flees from the superior German guns.

Another German infantry is eliminated by Russian attack. (49-8)


The Panzers destroy the last of the T-26s (except for a demoralized half platoon on the hill) (51-8).

With evening approaching the German tanks and troops withdraw to regroup to the west.

Solid Victory to the Germans!


This was a very entertaining scenario. The Russians were facing a difficult set-up situation. Either use the terrain in the south or set-up far to the north. A northern set-up would allow them time to adequately dig-in, but being out-ranged by the panzers, it seemed ill advised for the T-26s to engage in a long range battle.

Perhaps with the AT guns set in the woods, supported by infantry would have made a better delay tactic, allowing the T-26s to strike while the Panzers were otherwise engaged.

Scenario Rating 4/5: All in all, a fun scenario with numerous replay possibilities.

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