Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Oh, when the Soviets go marching in!
Author GeneSteeler
Method Solo
Victor Soviet Union
Play Date 2009-03-07
Language English
Scenario EFDx012


First blood is spilled by two great Russian rolls as two platoons of Pz35t are eliminated by Russian T-34A and KV-1 tank fire! (8-0)

German infantry enters the centre forest as Russian foot advances in the left and right.


The German Panzers strike and a number of T-26s are eliminated. They attempt some flanking fire on the T-34A, but to no avail (8-4). The Russian counter-fire scraps another Pz38t platoon. The Hammer of the Proletariat strikes again! (12-4)

German armour and artillery focus on the Russian AT-Guns and two are eliminated (12-6).

The German AT-Gun hidden in the fields reduces the Soviet BT-7 (12-8). The Soviets respond with a demoralizing artillery strike!

The battle in the woods starts as a German infantry platoon is reduced (13-8).

Half an hour into the seven hour battle and the Germans have already sustained almost half their maximum losses!


The Panzer 35ts are reduced by KV-1 and T-26 armour. (17-8). The 6th Panzer division strikes back against the Russian BT-7s but a Russian infantry assault finishes the German tanks off. (19-13). The German supporting infantry in the town begins long range fire versus the Russian foot troops. (19-14)


The well placed AT Gun in the fields eliminates the reduced BT-7! (19-16)

German armour retreats into the safety of the western town, but one Pz35t is still eliminated by a Russian ATG (21-16).

The Soviet 2nd Tank Division advances as their infantry moves toward the German-controlled corn field.

Booming fire from the German 150mm Infantry Gun eliminates a Russian platoon a couple kilometres away! (21-18)


The Russians push the attack in the cornfields. Artillery eliminates a half German platoon as one ATG crew flees as another is destroyed by Russian Mortars. (24-18)

On the verge of defeat a few Russian troops are lost to the German 150mmIG, but close assaults in the corn fields see both sides taking losses. Soon the Germans are overwhelmed as they hit their retreat level (28-20)

The Battle is over after 2 hours of fighting.


To quote Inspector Gadget. Wowzers!

I find Panzer Grenadier to be quite entertaining. Specifically from a (mostly) Solitaire perspective. The one thing that baffles me at times is the incredibly difficult victory conditions.

How are the Germans meant to win this one?! Stopping the Russian armour is an almost hopeless prospect. Having to do so while only sustaining minimal casualties appears impossible.

Nonetheless, the battle was quite quick to play, and still enjoyable. I do find that the small battles are usually much more “balanced” than these bigger scenarios. I also fear that as I’ve only played a few games against other opponents, my defensive strategy is lacking. I really don’t know.

I thought of pulling back into the town with the armour from the start, but this would mean losing the forest and being overrun on the middle map. It seems by turtling the best the Germans could possibly achieve is a draw.

Scenario Rating 2/5 (due to imbalance)

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