Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Rolled Pasta
Author Buquis
Method Solo
Victor Australia
Play Date 2011-10-22
Language English
Scenario AfKo001

Sure. Sure I remember my first action there mate. We was up on a little hill lookin' at another hill side about 2 klicks away. The Captain, he says "Well crap, right at dinner time." He didn't much care for his dinner late. Well, he orders Seargent Nickles to move two platoons over to the right flank and start to dig in. Had a 3 inch mortar move a bit, couple hundred meters, and set up behind us. Then we see they got a mortar set up at its max range to hit our front lines. Some Ofzer stayed with 'em. Probably intended them to move up as their attack platoons moved in. Some officer moved them in at a good pace. He seemed to know what he was about but first appearances can be deceving.

All of a sudden we started gettin' shelled from who knows where. Didn' do crap as the Yanks say. But, every 15 minutes here it came. That really pi ... err set the Captain off. So this Lieutenant is commin' in like gang busters right up the Captains nose. So the Capn, he lets the HMG and a platoon let it go. Fair dinkum. That Lt went of his nut. Totally disrupted his actions I guess. Then he lost 2 platoons, they ran off fast as a dingo in heat. Third one was acting stupid too. A bit later you could see that LT. look up and just start screaming. Took off like a 12 year old. Well by then We were able to get a unit around behind that ball o' noodles at the hill bottom and the Captain took the nearest infantry platton along with the HMG and took out half of them. Wasn't 15 minutes later that last squad was chased right of the battlefield. We held our whole line and what was left of them was jus' runnin'. 'Cept for their leader, a captain we learned later, and his mortar crew. They were "chasing" the others.

Pretty easy day that one. Wish the rest had been so easy. I'd still have both my arms.

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