Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
France 1940 Scenario 10 Hell River
Author PatC
Method Solo
Victor Germany
Play Date 2011-10-17
Language English
Scenario FaoF010

The Axis choose to cross the river at 0712 & 0713 & 0710. Friendly fire from the Allied OBA hampered the initial crossing, disrupting the effort. But the Allies also had trouble staying in good order. They failed to recover key units in the crossing area thus allowing the Axis to recover first. The Axis quickly took advantage and assaulted disrupted Allied units adjecent to the crossing hex.

By 1630 and axis were firmly across but not in good shape. Two of the three crossing points had Alllied units next to them in assault. At the other crossing point the two axis units defending were both demoralized.

At 1715 the axis were still having trouble getting units across the river. The allies were trying with some success to recover demoralized units to increase their presence south of the river. (The victory goes to the side with most undemoralized steps south of the river.) One turn later the Axis made an ill advised assault in to an Allied hex at a disadvantage. Two Axis steps were lost and the C.O. Major. the rest were demoralized. Near disaster. But the Allies had suffered also and had no good order units present. The axis on the other hand had reenforcements handy in the form of a fresh Eng unit, a fresh Inf and the Stug that had just crossed the river. These units combined with a 9-0-1 Lt. rolling in the 30 assault column finally broke allied resistance. After this the Allies fell back to conserve units. By this time the Axis had all units except the Bufa and and Eng. over the river. The final score was Allied steps left 14. Axis steps left 26. Axis major victory. This was a really fun scenario. Even though it is weighted to the Axis it is not overly so. The Allies have a real chance to win if they can catch the Axis in the crossing hexes with OBA and direct fire. Then they should try to fall back to conserve steps, only counter attacking when the Axis get strung out or make an unsupported move that leaves some units exposed. Even thought a somewhat unbalanced it was still a fun scenario. Rating 3. I would have given it a four if the Allies had a few more platoons to work with.

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