Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Tackling a monster
Author campsawyer
Method Solo
Victor Draw
Play Date 2011-09-01
Language English
Scenario TaBa023

Looking for a monster scenario for a very wet weekend, I found this one and it proved to be just that. First, the scenario has alot of errors and corrections were required. I have added them to the scenario errata in PG-HQ. Second was the vast amount of counters to push, nearly 400 and this is what made it tough. Many turns when 40-50 or more activations and some turns were well over two hours. Others short with the FoW rolls. The traffic jams were very though to navigate but it did show how hard it was to move large bodies of troops.

As for troops the Soviets get everything Guards, Penal Troops, T34's, BM-13's and plenty of then, but you need to get them on the board and into the battle so be prepared for playing traffic cop. The Germans are defending and have a good amount of troops, OBA and a bit of armor. Morale tends toward the Germans but the Guards are evenly matched against the Germans. The Germans did get the setup and will have the position on the advancing Soviets. By the way there is heavy snow on the ground too.

The Germans setup mainly around the towns on all the boards with some other key hill and woods terrain occupied to slow the Soviets. Reinforcements will appear quickly for the Germans and this will be most of the Germans armor. The Soviet main advance was onto board 3 with a small force forcing board 2. A small RKKA cavalry end from the west to give the Germans something to think about. The main force pushes on the board and the penal troops charge for the town with other Guard units advancing behind them. The Germans are forced to OP fire on the Penal troops with some success in slowly them. But the price is allowing the Guards to get up and position for assaults. German AT guns go for the BT-7s and knock out a couple of platoons, but there is just too many Soviets and they overrun the AT guns and infantry defending the town. A fighting retreat is organized, but Soviet rockets rip apart the retreating troops. But this attack has taken time to get organized and then to sort out after the capture.

To the north the holding force takes on a hill with the German Stugs on the hill south of the town. They are able to advance under heavy fire are able to force the Stugs back off the hill and occupy it. But just as they do German OBA hit the hill hard killing two platoons. Fire from the large town to the north keeps these troops out of action for the rest of the game, but they also block the Germans from moving south to help the southern towns. To the west the Soviet cavalry charge into the town on board 1. Heavy OP fire disrupt/demoralize many units but enough get into the town to assault and push the Germans back. Heavy fighting continues and both sides are lock in combat in the town and who ever get reinforcements to the town first will have the edge.

To the south the reorganized main force attack the second town. Heavy AT and OP fire keep the Soviet assault moving very slow. Soviet OBA hits the town over and over but the German defenders stay in good order. T34's rush forward and destroy German PzIIF's defending the town and giving the Soviets a small window to get Guards INF close to the town. Bloody assaults occur in the town, twenty-two steps are lost in the town causing both sides to reorganize after the first few attacks. Soviet reinforcements appear to the west and the Germans pull out of the second southern town.

All of this attacking has used up alot of time and units. It is turn 28 and the Germans side hold one northern and one southern town. One northern town is contested and two southern towns are are Soviet controlled. A small German force has moved to reinforce and the Soviets are racing T34's to help the cavalry. Both reinforcements make it to the town by turn 32 that gives 3 three turns to try to capture it. The Germans start with HMG fire on the Cavalry that forces two out of the town and German INF try to occupy with INF but are stopped by T34 OP. Good order Soviet Cavalry charge into the town but are slaughtered by a 20mm AA gun. Both sides are back to the same point. But then German Stugs fire at long range hit one of the T34's forcing the others to reposition. German INF take advantage of to assault another town hex. Last turn occurs with lots of OBA and assault fire but the town is still contested. So in the end 2 towns for each side and one is contested, a draw.

In the end I was a bit disappointed, not by the actions but by the shear size of it and the need to do a lot of counter maintenance slowing the game. This could probably be broken down into 3 or 4 manageable scenarios for solo or two player games. It may possibly be interesting with 4 players, but for me it would be a bit impossible.

2013-10-14 08:41

Did you add up the casualty count as these also score points. Wondering whether the points split on casualties was exactly the same ?

2013-10-14 10:32

Vince, I believe they were roughly equal, I would need to dig back in my game notes about the action. But I believe I remember that the whole slaughter at the end was for the towns as the casualties were nearly equal and the town was the key to either victory.

2013-10-14 11:04

tucked away is the fact that every 10 steps inflicted on the enemy, the Germans get 5pts and the Soviets get 7pts

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