Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Nihon Silk, scenario #2: Koepang, Day One
Author JayTownsend
Method Solo
Victor Japan
Play Date 2011-08-29
Language English
Scenario NiSi002

*This looks to be an interesting scenario pitting the Australians & Dutch against the Japanese Naval Airborne Troops. In this scenario the Japanese have already landed about 10.5 miles from the airfield objective in thick jungle terrain with some dirt roads mixed in here and there but they will try to avoid direct contact with the Allied force and try to exit one of two points off the map. No airborne landing rules in this scenario. The Allies also have reinforcement that roll to come on the map starting on turn 3, so the original starting force must block the Japanese as road blocks before the get too far west or north.

*The Japanese come on the map in the far southeast and use the road until they make contact with the Allied units, form here they spilt off into two groups trying the make the Allies do the same, so they are not too strong and they have to spread out in many different blocking positions making them weaker.

*Once all the Allied reinforcement arrive, the Allies decide to go on the offensive and send one attacking force North and one attacking force South to attack both groups of Japanese and at the same time some units remain to block both exit points from the Japanese. So far the plan is working to the Japanese advantage.

*In the North, it becomes a slugfest and both sides start losing too many steps. In the south the Japanese find a gap and exit 7 steps.

*The scoring system of points is like this: The Japanese get points for exiting units and eliminating Allied steps, the Australians & Dutch get points for remaining Japanese on the map at the end of 40 turns and for eliminating Japanese steps.

*After all was said and done, the Allies had 24 points and the Japanese had 34 points for a minor Japanese victory. To tell you the truth, as few dice rolls here or there and it could have been a draw or the other way, a Japanese Major victory but if I had transferred more Allied units for the North, once they had the situation under control, to the South, they would have blocked all the Japanese from exiting and would have destroyed more Japanese units, for mostly likely an Allied minor victory. So a few strategies different can really change the outcome for either side.

*I thought with all this jungle, it would be a slow scenario but not at all, it was very fun to play and the first 10-12 turns is all about positioning and movement, so it plays faster then you think.

Small errata:

Should have one Dutch Tank Leader and Eliminated Armored Cars & Tanks should count double for points not just the AC's.

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