Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Scenario 33 Red Steel Reservist Nightmare - Romanians get rolled
Author Hudson
Method Solo
Victor Soviet Union
Play Date 2010-06-06
Language English
Scenario EFDx033

First game back to the system I wanted to do something a little different. I decided to play Romanians and my friend took the Russians. This scenario takes place in 1941

Basically an outclassed Romanian force was attempting to move forward against better equipped Russians.

The victory conditions were simple: Step losses or Soviet player controlling all hill hexes by end of game


Soviet player wins 10 step losses to 1

It didnt take us 32 turns to decide this one. Once my Soviet friend found the fun of the 3 X 16 point artillery bombardments he had and his two 81mm mortar units combined in a stack he started to pummel me with morale losses and I could not recover fast enough

I had several demoralized units that would either flee or take another hit due to him winning initiative and he rolled well, causing step losses.

By the end of Turn 7 he was at 9 step losses on me and 10 wins the game for him.

I did manage to drive him back off the main hill in the middle and inflict one step loss, but he had armor and I did not. Direct Fire attacks on Tank units can only hurt them with a result of "X" on a Direct Fire role and to get that I would need to stack my units 3 high and thus give my opponent bonuses to hit me.

Once I started taking morale losses, my units started to get blown off the board fast and the game really ramped up.

I have included some screen shots of the battle and you can see how it progresses over time and I was forced back to the town on the map, which actually counted as a big HILL, not a town.

All in a good game and we learned some methods of playing and how to NOT deploy, because I really needed to concentrate my fire and didnt.


This was pretty awesome. We tied an initiative roll so to the back of the scenario book we went. We rolled Soviet Sniper and on a 9 or more on two dice he could pick off a Leader of mine that he could spot. He picked my 10 morale Major but rolled a 7 and missed! Close call though.

The only thing I dont like about this game is the darn chit stacking in a hex. Since a hit to a hex effects each unit and one can be disrupted and one may pass, it makes for a lot of chit stacking and well...I am kinda sick of that after 20 years or more of playing these games.

Other than it was good fun.

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