Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Nihon Silk, scenario #8: Okinawa: The Giretsu Incident
Author JayTownsend
Method Solo
Victor United States
Play Date 2011-08-27
Language English
Scenario NiSi008

*This is a very quick, tense scenario with only a two hex visibility. The Japanese have to act fast as it’s a one way suicide mission with only ten turns. Just to clarify the Americans cannot setup on the fields but as they wouldn’t be dug-in on the runways but they can be setup adjacent to the airfield dug-in or anywhere else on the map. I wasn’t sure if the setup instruction were clear enough. The Americans can’t cover all the entry points to the airfield but the line of fire can. The Japanese have a very high morale for half step units, as it’s a one way mission for the Emperor!

*The Japanese ended up having a pretty good glider landing and only one unit started disrupted. I think with Glider Landings, the Leaders should be able to land with the units as one roll per unit, unlike the Para-drops where leaders & units roll separately, thus scattered even more.

*The battle closed fast with the Japanese breaking through in a couple areas and the U.S. Marines & Army shifting from their dug-out hexes into assault hexes on the airfields. The Japanese did loss one unit on the approach but in the assault hexes, they get three column shifts: one for higher morale, one for having a leader & one for being of Japanese nationality. So they have a chance!

*The Japanese are able to destroy some American units but the Americans have twice as many and the assault combat wears both sides down. The Japanese are able to blow one airfield area, so one wreck counter is placed, they fail on their second dice roll attempt however. The game time runs out with two Japanese units left in a disrupted state & so leaders and not enough time to try to blowup two more hexes of airfields. The Americans have a victory in this game, as the Japanese needed to blow three hexes with dice rolls of 5-6. The rules do not allow Japanese units in assault hexes to attempt blowing airfields, but maybe I should have but it was closer then I thought it would be, just one more turn or a couple more successful dice rolls. Certainly fun to try!

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