Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Nihon Silk, scenario #9: Okinawa: The Last Japanese Paratroopers
Author JayTownsend
Method Solo
Victor United States
Play Date 2011-08-26
Language English
Scenario NiSi009

Posting #1

*I have played all my scenarios to some degree but not since AP updated them with a few rule changes to Para-Drops & Glider Landings, also a few map changes on scenario #8 & #9 and some minor victory condition changes to a few scenarios as well, not to mention they add a few hidden units rules on a few of the scenarios. Mostly the game is intact but I must play them all again to see the effects and to judge myself once again, but also for the fun of it.

*In this scenario AP changed out my Afrika Korp map for some Road to Berlin maps, which is fine by me and I am using the new Glider Landing rules, so this should be fun to play again.

*I used some Glider counters as markings for my three drop zones I picked. These counters I found from another game magazine and I knew they would be useful someday. AP choose not to use actual gliders counters for this download supplement and drop my counters from the mix, which is fine, as the new rules cover this. I picked three drop areas, but I should have maybe used four or five and I think after seeing the results of my landings, I picked my assembly points too close to the enemy units and the American will now have a bigger advantage but I will go ahead and play it out this way instead of resetting as this is more like the fog of war scenario the Japanese would most likely have faced in this scenario. Also, this is my only hypothetical scenario out of the 10 scenarios, not that it’s that hypothetical, as it was planned at one point but the war ended. Besides it has some interesting Japanese units never tried out before.

*The Japanese do not have a lot of luck on their coordinated drop timings and the units will now drop on turns ranging from 1-4. This hurts especially when some will end up demoralized, disrupted or worst. But it will be turns 5 or 6 before all of them are in action to some degree. Coming in piecemeal is not what I wanted for the Japanese. The American Marines & Army units will have a field-day with early attacks. Next time, I will land my gliders farther back from the airfields and regroup to attack as one battle-group but for now I must organize and take some airfields from the Americans. The later drops will just have to reinforce the turn one group.

Posting #2

*I am sticking to my guns and not resetting this scenario, even if the Japanese have taken a beating. The Sherman tank unit has already taken out a Japanese Type 2 tank unit and the 57mm gun took out half a step of Japanese 95/20 jeep units. A Japanese 47mm AT gun and truck unit that landed on an American Marine group is gone as well, not to mention half a step of Japanese PSMG Infantry that also landed too close. There are currently about 9-10 other Japanese units that are demoralized or disrupted but the Japanese finally have all their units on the board and should be able to fire back and have a few small attacks of their own but the next 5-6 turns will tell if it’s too little, too late or not, as they do not have that higher morale of scenarios taking place in 1942, but only a 8/7 for this scenario, which is pretty much equal to the American units.

*Reminder to myself, never land too close the enemy airfields or enemy units, or it is game over very early. Well back the battle!

Posting #3

*The Japanese managed to pull off two attacks after I thought it to be hopeless. The first one was repulsed again but one last push in the center on the second attack wave, managed to my surprise to take three airfields, as the American were still occupied to some degree from the first attack. The Americans however, were too strong and managed to take back all three airfields lost to the Japanese and there was nothing more for the scattered and too weak remaining Japanese to do, but head for the hills and fight as guerrillas. Both side lost units but the Japanese lost about twice as many and this was an American victory.

*The new late war Japanese PSMG unit has some nice power compared to the traditional Japanese Infantry but they only have a range of one hex and must get adjacent or assault to be effective against Allied units. I am I didn’t throw in the towel in the very begin, as the Japanese manage to pull together for some exciting attacks and work with the odd vehicle types was challenging was well.

*As I stated before, if I would have drop farther way from the American with closer linked drop zones, I would have given the Americans a better run for their money in this scenario but would it have been enough?

*There are some subtle changes in this scenario from the original that could have changed the balance a small bit. One was the map change from the larger Afrika Korp map to two smaller Road to Berlin maps, also the Marines & Army units starting Dug-In and lastly the Air-drop & Glider rules changes are a bit harder in the Japanese then the original version. To balance this out, I recommend taking out 3-4 Allied Infantry units, and this will be a much closer match. If not, just don’t drop too close to the airfield in this scenario, as the American have too much fire-power to go in piecemeal.

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