Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Sherman vs Tigers, a nasty business
Author campsawyer (Britain)
Method Dual Table Setup + Voice Chat
Victor Germany
Participants vince hughes (AAR)
Play Date 2011-08-13
Language English
Scenario BlSS006

With a short window of play, Vince Hughes suggested Black SS #6 Tigers Roar. At first glance, those German SS Tigers look nasty against Shermans, but it did prove interesting. The British have a larger armored column moving on board while a German Kampfgruppe has occupied the town and hills surrounding it. Morale and OBA favor the British, but the dominance of the Tigers is significant. With difference of +3 in AT firepower, +4 in armor strength and +2 in range the Shermans cannot face off with the Tigers. As the British, it made the fight harder, but did make significant gains on the Germans positions using maneuver rather than a direct fight.

To start the British, infantry move dismounted down the road to try to can the road junction while the Shermans and M3's head for the fields to cover their advance. Without German OBA the infantry have a little freedom of movement to try to position on the tanks, but German GREN's will try to screen the Tigers from infantry attacks. Initially, the Tigers score long range hits on M3's including one with the 3in mortars and they are knocked out early. The infantry continue to pick their way forward through the fields and roads. This give the Germans something to think about as they have less units to hold back the British force. The British gain the fields in the center of the board and force the Germans to move back from their defensive positions on the 20m hill to the east of the board. This allows a British company to capture the eastern town and use this to potentially attack the 20m hill. German Tigers still command the hill but retire back a hex to cover the Shermans posed to dash from the fields to the west of the board.

British infantry move up to attack the western town occupied by two German GRENs and a OSFTR. M3's lead the advance and pay for it with German OP fire eliminating two of them. But two more are able to move up and position right next to the two along with RIF units look to assault the town. The Germans, in a better part of valor, retire from the town to form a stronger defense in the larger southern town. The British seeing the movement look to dash units to the town before the Germans get their defense established, but MG42 teams OP on the advancing infantry disrupting and demoralizing them. A lone LT and M3 make it to the outskirts of the town. The German AT gun opens on the M3 and it is destroyed. The LT, all alone, calls in OBA on the AT and disrupts it. The German line holds and the LT is chase away from the town by an SPW251.

Back in the northern fields the British Shermans figure out an option to get into the fight. They will back track through the fields to get out of range of the Tiger 88's and advance down the board edge, taking there chances with long range OP fire. This is enough to dislodge the German Tigers from the hill. They retire to the town to become a central part of the defense. This gives the quick Firefly a chance to dash to the 20 hill where the German AT gun was just destroyed by at fire. Gaining a toehold on the hill gives the German defense something to think about. With the Tigers off the hill the Shermans can use their speed to race across the board and try to strike at some SPW251's holding up the British infantry in the eastern town. This retires the SPW251's to the town as well.

Looking to knock out a lone leader the Firefly dashes toward the town but the OSTFR gets away, but now the Firefly is behind the town looking for targets. British infantry looks to move up against the town after the German 81mm mortar is destroyed by OBA. But German MG42 fire slows the advance and they consolidate a defense of the town. On the final turn the British look to gain some town hexes but come up short. Final score 26 Germans 12 British.

The game was closer than the score tells as most of the British casualties we the M3's that I used to sacrifice as scouts and targets to tempt the Tigers. The Germans were forced from their initial defensive lines to consolidate in the main town and the British had much of the freedom of movement toward the end of the game. But the Germans had enough fight left to defend so they take the day.

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