Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
The Leningrad Militia resists
Author enrique
Method Solo
Victor Soviet Union
Play Date 2011-08-10
Language English
Scenario WoaP001

15 July 1941

In this scenario the Kampfgruppe Raus, a German force of infantry (7 infantry and 2 HMG platoons), mortars, a 20 mm battery, a powerful 88 mm battery, some off-board artillery (1 x 16) and tanks (two PzII and three Pz38t platoons), attacks Soviet defensive positions around the Luga river, near Leningrad. The Soviets have a numerous force composed by a poorly-trained militia (30 infantry and 5 HMG reduced platoons, mortars, a 45 mm AT battery, three 76,2 MTN batteries), all with low morale (5), some regular infantry (3 SMG platoons), off-board artillery (1 x 10, 2 x 18) and mainly tanks, some very good tanks (three T-26, two T-37 and three KV-1 platoons).

The Germans enter on the west edge. The Soviets are deployed mainly on the west side of the river, in two defensive lines and dug in. The river is minor, but the vehicles can only cross it by a bridge.

The Soviets have the following objectives: 1. At the end of play all town hexes plus the bridge are under Soviet control. 2. At the end of play at least one east-west trail hex on board 25 is occupied by at least one undemoralized Soviet unit. 3. No more than six undemoralized German steps are anywhere east of the river and the end of play. There are several levels of victory based on the fulfillment of these objectives.

German morale is better (8/6). The morale of Soviet no-militia units is 7/6. The battle lasts 18 turns (first turn 0730).

The battle

Turns 1 - 4. The Germans enter on the west edge. The Germans are immediately targeted by Soviet artillery. Half an infantry platoon es wiped out and some other is disrupted. The German tanks enter on the center of the battlefield and take position in the light woods. A German 88 mm battery unlimbers in the light woods as well. Soon after the Germans fire with their Pz38t tanks and the 88 mm battery at Soviet T-26 tanks. The Soviets lose three steps. Nevertheless, the Soviet artillery has been able to locate the 88 mm battery, that is bombarded and demoralized.

Turns 5 - 8. The German infantry advances in the light woods and attacks the Soviet militia positions. The advance is slow, since there are innumerable Soviet units, that fire incessantly. At the same time, the German infantry is targeted by Soviet artillery and mortars. In spite of these difficulties, the Germans begin to clean the light woods. The German tanks, protected by the woods, collaborate with the infantry in the elimination of enemy positions. A Soviet T-37 light tank platoon is destroyed by the PzII tanks. Nevertheless the Russian artillery is able to locate the German 88 mm battery, that is destroyed.

Turns 9- 12. The Germans are still far from the river. However they have cleaned their left flank. Now the Germans want to eliminate the enemy in the central trail, but the weak units of the Soviet militia resist fanatically. Some units of the militia are demoralized by the German fire, but they are reorganized quickly thanks to the untiring activity of the Kommissars. Taking advantage of the destruction the German 88 mm battery, Soviet KV-1 tanks advance towards the enemy. A German Pz38t platoon tries to hide itself in the light woods, but it is targeted by opp. fire of the Soviet heavy tanks and destroyed. The last German AT battery (50 mm) unlimbers to fire the Soviet giants, but it is located by Russian artillery and wiped out.

German infantry advances in the trail assaulting militia positions. The militia men in the assaulted hexes resist to the last man and are finally destroyed, but the Germans are delayed.

Turn 13. Soviet artillery destroys a step of German infatry. Soviet mortars destroy another one. The attack of German infantry in the central trail is collapsing. On the other hand German tanks attack the Soviet KV-1. This attack is a total fiasco. The German shells bounce in the strong armor of the Soviet giants and the Soviets fire as well and destroy easily a PzII platoon.

The German commander evaluates the situation. He has only two Pz38t and one PzII platoons. His AT batteries have been destroyed. In addition, his infantry has been bled in the fight against the militia. He has only three complete infantry platoons and two complete HMG platoons. Moreover, though the Soviet militia has undergone a hard punishment, it controls still firmly the central trail and the KV-1 tanks are practically invincible. Consequently, the German commander orders the withdrawal of his battered forces. Soviet Major Victory.

Good scenario. A bit unbalanced, but it simulates well the fight around Leningrad in the summer of 1941, IMO.

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