Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Hopeless, Seriously
Author Matt W
Method Solo
Victor Germany
Play Date 2011-07-25
Language English
Scenario FiAx028

I know I shouldn't use that in describing a First Axis scenario but this is one of the first I have seen (with the exception of "Sneak Attack" EFDx numer 2) that seems completely impossible for one player to win. The Slovaks were beaten, in a minor victory by turn 6 (of 32), leading by 35 to 15. Even if the Germans chose not to exit any units they would win 35 to 30. It is clear that they will continue to smash the Slovaks and be able to exist some units. Or, the Germans could sit back and let the clock tick down and any Slovak counterattack would be shredded, just adding to the German victory.

I think the VPs for town control are flipped and the Slovak player probably needs to get points for unexited German units but there really is no way for the Slovaks to win that I can see.

The German firepower is such that they will be able to overwhelm any Slovak concentrations that they want to with relatively small loss and the Slovaks have no counterpuch capability. In my setup I put some delaying troops in the towns where the Germans would have to enter and in six turns those troops were destroyed, the entrenchments were invested on the middle board and even with the newly arrived reinforcements there didn't seem to be the force to stand up to the Germans tanks.

I give it a "2" because it shows what use older vintage tanks could be to supression of unrest but otherwise the action seems heavily slanted, just like in the real situation. Playing the Slovaks in the National Rising scenarios is a desperating demoralizing experience. Right about now I need a good morale roll for me!

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