Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Search and Destroy. You have 3 Hours.
Author GeneSteeler
Method Solo
Victor France
Play Date 2010-06-05
Language English
Scenario FaoF002

1530 – German forces enter from the east, not certain where the French may be hiding, they pour out of their trucks to advance on foot.

1545 – The first of French forces (HMG) is discovered in the woods.

1600- Two infantry platoons are discovered, in the centre woods and in the centre village.

1615 – French forces are reduced and demoralized in the woods. AT-Gun is spotted. German infantry is reduced by infantry in the centre village.

1630 – French infantry is cleared out of the central woods, no sign of German reinforcements yet.

1645 – French HMG is eliminated and the French AT Gun is overrun. Germans flood into the southwest town.

Only the NW town needs to be conquered, as well as the small central village.

1700 – Germans advance.

1715 – Central town continues to hold out!

1730 – Germans approach the northwest town.

1745 – Germans prepare to assault in the northwest. Meanwhile the central village continues to hold.

1800 – Northwest town is overrun by the Germans. HMG, Engineers and the StuGIIIA are too much for the lone infantry platoon!

In the central village the French are greatly outclassed. (French defend on the “5” column with the German assault on the “18” column). But the French are very fortunate (French roll “6” while Germans roll “1”

The Germans are shaken by the unexpected French valour.

1815 – The Germans continue to press the assault, but again waffle. The French remain steadfast in the central village!

Time is up!



A fun quick battle. Although only losing a single step. The Germans were unable to take their objectives in time and the French are granted the victory.

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