Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Mayhem in the Desert
Author waynebaumber (Australia, Britain, South Africa)
Method Face to Face
Victor Draw
Participants vince hughes (AAR)
Play Date 2011-07-16
Language English
Scenario SAWa014

Played FtF v Vince this is a two map desert battle with 48 turns and five nationalities. Axis troops have to clear a ridge of all Allied units and not loss more than 20 steps. The Axis have good armour support and have even better off board artillery support to assist the mixed German and Italian infantry making the attack. The dug in British have reinforcing Australian INF and HMG coming on turn one to turn back the tide. Throw in South African armoured cars and Valentine, Crusader and Stuart tanks you have all the makings for an epic battle. The first turns were fairly quite as Herr Hughes positioned his attack line while trying to avoid losses from the Commonwealth artillery, the tanks skirmished to the south but with little effect the British tanks eventually retreating to the ridge line to protect the rear of the Allied position. The German commander ordered a flanking attack in an aim to encircle the dug in British troops but the Stuart light tanks came to the rescue and nipped that attack in the bud causing heavy Italian casualties. The Panzer's then attacked and pushed the Valentine's back with some losses. Only a Aussie 2 pdr holding them up for a while. Meanwhile the German artillery was all the time pounding the line and Commonwealth losses were heavy particularly among the officers as they moved from trench to trench encouraging the infantry. However the German losses were also creeping up and the British commander saw a chance to inflict more when a lone PzII platoon was spotted, attacked by overwhelming Brit armour it was eventually eliminated pushing the Axis step losses over 20 this meant that there would be Axis victory could there be an Allied win. No is the short answer as the Commonwealth counterattack ran into a storm of fire and wilted away in very quick time. This is a cracking scenario with lots going on, never enough time to do what you want (we always play FOW and there were several times turns ended just at the wrong time for both players) and a good mix of units. It would merit a 5 rating but I feel that the VC are a little too simplistic and that a draw is in fact the most likely result in any game between well matched opponents.

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