Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Red Steel??
Author waynebaumber (Soviet Union)
Method Dual Table Setup + Voice Chat
Victor Germany, Romania
Participants vince hughes (AAR)
Play Date 2011-06-21
Language English
Scenario EFDx044

Vince and I both agree that in our AAR's we should never say that the scenario is so unbalanced that it can NOT be won by either side. I am very tempted to break that rule in this case, however I know that the Soviets have won a playing of this scenario,so I will just say this is a very tough one for the Red Army. A mixed Axis force of MTC,ATG and INF have to exit four units of the north edge of the board and not lose more than 6 steps. The Soviet force facing them looks strong on paper, 3 tank units 4 A/car units and SMG infantry, but those tank units might as well be made of paper with a zero armour and a movement of 5 they are no match for the Romanian ATG and can not catch those MTC. That is the problem with this scenario is the three ATG's can destroy the Soviet tanks and A/Cars before they can close with the German and Romanian INF and the Axis MTC have the speed to avoid combat and exit at will. In our battle the Axis force advanced down the road and deployed in a strong battle line with the ATG just in the rear to give fire support as required. The Soviets likewise deployed in a line and tried to keep the vulnerable tanks and A/Cars out of sight of the enemy guns. For about 90 minutes there was some jostling for position, by that time though the Axis MTC were in the rear of the Russian forces and could exit at will. Of course Vince left them on the board to pounce on any easy target. The Soviet commander ordered the advance and pushed hard against the enemy line but although the German and Romanian line was pushed back it came at heavy losses to the valiant Red Army and when the counter attack came from both the Axis INF to the front and those pesky German MTC there could only be one outcome. SO how could the Soviets win this, they have to accept the fact that the enemy can get four units off the board and close with the rest of the Axis units as fast as possible in an effort to engage in direct fire or close combat. To do this needs luck (the Soviet player needs to win the initiative for the first two turns), he needs to keep his troops on the rod and in trucks jumping out of the trucks at the last moment and I fear he needs his opponent to be inept. (My opponent rarely is even slightly inept). I rate this game as a 2, I do agree with Vince that for new players it offers a quick scenario with some interesting units and therefore could be worth playing while learning the game. A little end note do agree on board orientation before you set up/plan as it is not clear from the rule book which way the boards go

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