Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Airborne v. SS
Author campsawyer
Method Solo
Victor United States
Play Date 2011-06-09
Language English
Scenario WiSo004

My first scenario in Winter Soldiers, I needed a short one as I am very busy right now. This one fit the bill. Two American airborne companies attacking a SS advanced company spearheading the Bugle attack. The Americans have a slight edge in number of troops and morale. They also have a small amount of OBA. The Germans have the terrain and slightly better quality direct fire. As for the leader selection, this was about equal.

The victory conditions as slightly in the favor of the American as there will not be any contested hexes. The Americans need to capture all the towns on board 22 and the Germans must stop them.

The Germans setup around the towns on board 22, with the SPW251/21 and a GREN and leader in the fields to try slow down the American advance. The Americans setup right next to east west road. The Americans begin with a LT and PARA move on to spot the forward SS units. German OP fire missed and the Americans call in OBA, but miss. Other American units move on board, but the tension is with the captured German SPW251/22. Although reduced the SPW251/22 has a AT punch better than the German SPW251/21. The "22" moves onboard just out of range of the "21". This forces the "21" to reevaluate its position and it moves back into the field.

Continuing the American advance the Americans take OP fire from the remaining GREN in the field, disrupting the American Captain and PARA unit. American OBA is called in hitting the target and kill half the German GREN. The remaining reduced GREN is disrupted. American units move up the road, Germans OP fire at long range without effect. The real drama is the dance with the "22" and "23" trying to force each other into a bad position. The "22" has range and AT punch, but the "21" has the limiting terrain and position. The "22", remaining out of range maneuvers south of the center towns, forcing the "21" to counter by moving back to cover the other towns. But due to other events the "21" is forced back to the main American attack to cover for casualties. This gives the edge to the "22" an it captures the eastern town hexes unmolested.

Back at the main attack down the road the Germans are successful with OP fire attacks, disrupting and demoralizing the paratroopers. American DF is weak, but the paratroopers are able to work there way in between the SS troops. American mortar and DF disrupt the SS defenders long enough for the paratroopers to dash past the SS GRENs. The GREN's OP fire is weak and the American are able to capture one of the center town hexes. This puts the German defense in peril so the "21" is brought back to provide support to hold the last town hex. Eventually, the Americans assault the last town hex and keep units in the town to hold the control. This gives them the win.

Another good scenario from the mind of Mike Perryman, Thanks.

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