Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Large formations without luck or initiative
Author campsawyer
Method Solo
Victor United States
Play Date 2011-05-02
Language English
Scenario AaGI010

This is the largest of the Aachen scenarios, a massive German presence, 45 Grens, 13 HMG's, Stugs and Tigers too. The Americans have a large amount too but are over shadowed by the German division sized formation. The Americans get reinforcements of OBA and aircraft halfway through and this can be very bad for the Germans. But the worse problem in my game was the Fog of War. Starting on turn 9 the average number of activations was 18 per turn compared to the need for 36 to 40 to move all the German units. This paralyzed 1/3 of the German units and caused the German attack to stall. This allowed the American reinforcements to arrive with the German units only halfway across the board. American artillery and aircraft then took control destroying 14 German steps with OBA factors of 42,42 and 36.

To the Germans credit they were able to clear the road for 1 and 1/2 boards but by the time they reached this point there was a string of disrupted and demoralized units struggling to regain good order. German Tigers were able to capture a town but it was too little to late. The Americans win a Major victory. In playing this one I recorded the unit kills to see what the spread of losses were. Most were by OBA 42 steps, direct fire was next with 18, assaults 15, double demoralized 8 and aircraft 5, bombardment 2.

The scenario was a good one, if you are looking for a large scenario. I believe the victory conditions are well balanced and historical. In my play the FoW rolls shortened the game and gave the Americans the win. It would be an interesting one to play if FoW is not as big a factor.

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