Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Green troops, but they can still shoot
Author campsawyer
Method Solo
Victor Draw
Play Date 2011-03-30
Language English
Scenario AaGI008

This is a short scenario having the German Water Buffalo's attack a hill occupied by American troops. From the first look at the scenario it is fairly even, mostly infantry affair. The Americans have a slightly less morale when reduced, but they do have entrenchments. The German have the numbers plus an assault gun platoon.

What made my play unique was the leader "flip". The Germans received the best leaders and the Americans the worst. The Germans receive 5 leaders with morale of 10 and the others were 9's. All the German leaders had both morale and combat bonuses. For the Americans they received all the morale 7 leaders as well as two morale 8. All had no bonus, except the Sergeant with a combat bonus.

So what do you do for an American setup, circle the wagons and place all the entrenchments with the best terrain benefits. They were all grouped around the 40m level of the hill with dug in units holding key advances along the road. The Germans decided on a split attack from the east and the west. This would try to pinch the Americans as well as hit the reinforcements as they move on the board. Given there leadership and morale they should be able to advance on the edges of the American defense.

The attack started well enough with light American OP and OBA fire. They were able to move up to get into assault position, then the American fire started to find their marks. Dice rolls of 2,3,11 and 12 appeared for the American attacks and the German morale checks were high as well. All of a sudden the Germans had half their troops disrupted or demoralized with a step loss. The Germans were push back but the German mortars and OBA were finding their mark on the entrenchments. The American AT gun demoralized and the leaders demoralized put a strain on the defense. But the two American HMG's and some of the INF remained in good order to continue the firing.

By turn 5 American reinforcements arrived and start to position on the southern flanks of the Germans. The Germans recovered from their first assault begin to move on the entrenchments. American fire hits more German units, but on entrenchment is lock in assault. Meanwhile American tanks start to stalk the German Stug. The Stug backs off it's attack to position for a shot on the first American tank that appears. The M5 moves up on the east side of the board and the M4 positions on the west. A couple of turns past before the cat and mouse exposes the Stug to the M4. The M4 fires but misses with the thick Stug armor the next turn the M4 is destroyed. The M5 drop back to provide fire support after the M4 loss.

Meantime in the assault the Germans are not fairing well. Initial assaults have the Germans disrupting and demoralizing. The assault on the first entrenchment has mixed results some Americans are demoralized but the Germans take another step loss. It got bad for the Germans when the American mortars demoralized the attacking GREN's. Several turns of assault produced results but the losses mounted.

In the end the scenario was a draw, not one could get an advantage. The Americans held the entrenchments with had several step losses. Final count 8 points for the Germans, 11 points for the Americans.

An enjoyable scenario for a small quick fight. It was not as lopsided as I feared when I saw the leader "flip", entrenchment recovery bonus helped alot. The Germans super leaders proved to be vulnerable with high dicerolls. The extra little tanks hunt made it interesting beyond all the assaults.

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