Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Soviets try to take back territory
Author campsawyer
Method Solo
Victor Draw
Play Date 2006-06-10
Language English
Scenario HoSU024

This scenario has the Soviets mounting one of the first assaults as part of the MARS offensive. The Soviets must capture one town on the maps to win while the Germans must stop them without losing 13 steps. This will be tough for the Soviets as the weather is not cooperative forcing MP loss because of snow. The Germans also have a good lot of OBA to pound the Soviet infantry away from the T-34's and KV-1's. But the Soviets have nine companies of infantry plus a couple of companies of penal troops. The Soviets support weapons are good as well with OBA and BM-13's. Morale is typical for this time the Germans have a slightly higher morale and more leaders.

With our play the Germans setup around and in the towns. Entrenchments cover some key advances to the towns as well. Several dug in German troops will try to slow the Soviet advance. AT and assault guns will try to setup to give some sort of crossfire against the powerful T-34's.

The Soviets advance on board 4 pushing forward with penal troops to go after the dug in skirmish line, but their slow progress by the snow lets the German OBA zero in on them and 3/4 of the penal troops are disrupted/demoralized to eliminated. The Soviet main force is right behind the penal troops and start to overrun the German dugin positions. German artillery slacks off a bit and the KV-1's are able to close on the town. German AT fire is weak, but OP fire at the supporting infantry strips them away from the tank attack. The Soviets slow to recover troops and get the dug in assault units moving again. By this point, the BM-13s have setup and start firing Katyusha rockets on the German defenders. Several German unit break due to the rocket fire, but it is more a psychological effect rather than causing actual causalities.

The Soviets get there forces going again with the t-34's leading the attack on the town. They are able to make it to the town and assault a couple of the town hexes. The Germans swing reserves over to the contested hexes and fierce fighting takes place. Soviets win one hex but lose the other. Meanwhile the KV-1's try to move around the town to attack from the east and take the woods to the southeast. German AT's open fire an score a hit on the initial KV-1. This stuns the Soviet advance as German OBA hit the advancing infantry.

The Soviets stop to recover for a third time and the Germans try to keep the pressure on by targeting disrupted and demoralized units with OBA and mortar fire. The Germans also look to knockout the Soviet units in the town. Germans advance units but have a hard time getting a strong force in place to do this. Soviet Katyusha's rain down on the town but with no effect.

Both sides ready themselves for a final push for the town. The Soviets move up recovered units and the Germans mass troops to stop them. The Soviets are hit with German OBA and the Soviet Katyusha's hit the woods southwest of the town to knock out German AT guns. The KV-1's continue their advance on the woods and overrun the northern edge. This gives some room for other units to mount an attack on the east side of the town. To the north the Soviet units are slowed by OP fire and OBA. T-34's try to move forward but there is not infantry to follow up and time runs out.

The Soviets are able to take two town hexes but not a whole town. Causalities are high on both sides and it is doubtful that the Soviets can continue even if they had more time. The Germans are equally spent as well.

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