Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Rewarding Insanity
Author Matt W
Method Solo
Victor Draw
Play Date 2011-01-29
Language English
Scenario EFDx045

Under no circumstances should you try this at home. Professional driver, closed course, etc. etc. Do not walk up to trenches, drenched in HMGs and expect to be able to evict the tenants. These results are not guaranteed.

In this scenario an elite Romanian force comes up on the Stalin Line, heavily fortified and loaded with HMG units. There is no way that the Romanians should be able to clear the road and its environs of Soviets, clear the towns and keep their losses low, but then again that would lead to a really boring AAR and with a name like "Rewarding Insanity" you can pretty much bet that something else happened.

First we need to remember that HMGs without infantry support defend at 1/2 strength in assault. Then we have to remember that the Romanians have a morale margin in their favor. Finally we have to consier the fact that the orders are to clear the road so sitting back and hitting the Soviets again and again with artillery only works if you have a lot of really godd artillery, which is not a description of the Romanian artillery.

The Romanians did get insanely good artillery rolls and the Soviets broke and ran from their trenches leading to the first entrenchments changing hands after only 2 1/2 hours. Lots of desultory firing on both sides at entrenched units led to a feeling that the Romanians could never acheive their goals when, 5 hours in, suddenly the Soviets disintegrated to the south. They failed some morale checks and tried to recover. Regardless of whether they did recover or not, the Romanians were able to advance to be able to assault in the next turn. Given the initiative they almost always could attack at the beginning of the next turn. In this fashion, trench after trench began changing hands.

The Soviet commander,however, had a trick up his sleeve. If things got really bad he would send a few troops to hide in the town in the southeast of the map, thus denying the Romanians a win. Very enjoyable little scenario.

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