Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Two separate battles
Author campsawyer
Method Solo
Victor United States
Play Date 2011-01-28
Language English
Scenario AaGI005

I had a little bit of time and decided to finish up a battle I have had on the table for over a month. I played this one solo.

The scenario has the Germans and the Americans attacking on one side and defending on the other sides of the boards. The victory conditions are slightly favored for the Americans as they just need to destroy 15 German steps while the Germans need to get control over American defended crossroads and towns. The forces are balanced with a strong German infantry force facing a mix of American units. OBA is slightly in the favor of the Americans but the morale and initiative are roughly equal. Overall it is equal forces.

The setup has the Americans holding the crossroads on board 22. They defend with dugin infantry at the crossroads as well as forward east of the fields. On board 24 the Americans are setup in the light woods and western ridge of board 24. The Germans hold the towns on board 23 and the main infantry force on board 25 in the woods.

The Germans advance in the north and overrun the Americans in foxholes to the east of the fields. While in the south the Americans advance and overrun the Germans defending the town in 23/403. This gives the Americans an advantage as they now have more towns than the Germans. To the north, the Americans flee back into the fields and the Germans pursue fighting all the way. Never able to recover the advance company is eventually destroyed by the Germans, but not before the Germans take several losses.

To the north of the fields on board 22 the VG tries to push their way to the crossroads, they make it but cannot hold as they disrupt and demoralize quickly. The Germans going out of the fields help to stabilize the VG's. To the south of the fields the Germans move a Stug and infantry company to flank the Americans, but OBA fire and long range HMG fire slow the advance. The bigger problem for the Germans is the 3in AT gun holding the crossroads. Powerful enough to stop the Stugs they must be destroyed before the Stugs proceed. German OBA target the 3in AT guns and eventually demoralizing the gun. The Stug proceeds, but an Americans infantry platoon charges the Stugs and destroys a step and demoralizing the remnants. This stops the southern German advance and forces the other Germans to just concentrate on the crossroads and trying to advance on the town is out of the question. In the end the Germans capture the crossroads but fail to get more towns than the Americans. The Americans kill 15 steps to win a minor victory.

All in all the scenarios was a good one, the Germans have a tough fight while the Americans just need to destroy steps. Germans can do it but they will need some luck. Everything else is balanced and can vary each play.

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