Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Good start for the Germans
Author campsawyer
Method Solo
Victor Germany
Play Date 2006-04-22
Language English
Scenario HoSU020

This is a simple scenario to open the Kursk campaign. The scenario is simple enough to be balanced, simple victory conditions hold or capture the hills on the boards. The Soviets defend the hills with a mix of infantry, AT guns and 76.2 guns, dug in, entrenched and mined. The Germans have a good mix of infantry, tanks and artillery to try to force the hills.

As for setup the Soviets are on the board and the Germans advance onboard the first turn. Predictively, the Soviets setup the entrenchments on the hills and load them with 76.2 and AT guns. The Soviet infantry sets up in the major town on board 2 and some dug in outposts on board 8. Mines are placed around the hills to try to channel the German attack.

The Germans move onboard on turn one, infantry and tanks lead the way. The AT's and the mortars hang back on the board edge to try to stay out of range, but soon attract OBA fire from the Soviet artillery. A company of infantry soon get in position to attack the first hill on board 2. Hitting it with OBA and DF the Germans soon disrupt and demoralize the defenders. Moving around the minefields the Germans are able to get in to assault the first entrenchment. Soon overwhelmed by the Germans, the Soviets flee back to the town. Soviet OBA soon start to take a toll on the German mortars and 2 steps are lost.

On board 8 the Germans hit two Soviet outposts to clear a path to the hill. The Soviet infantry is overwhelmed by German engineers and infantry, while the panzers move beyond the dugin positions to prevent a counter attack by other outposts. Long range Soviet fire tries to go after the panzers but misses. The Germans move infantry reinforcements through the gap to push forward on the hill on board 8. Soviet OBA shifts to try to slow the German attack, disrupting a couple of German unit.

On board 2 the Germans bypass the town, but take some heavy OP fire from the Soviet units in the town. The Germans must shift OBA fire on the town to try to suppress the Soviet fire. The Germans are successful as getting a company around the town and several tanks from board 8 move to help attack the hill on board 2. With both attacks going after the northern hills on board 8 and 2, this gives the Soviets a handful of problems to deal with. Several turns initiative rolls give the Germans 2 and 3 activations before the Soviets can react. This gives the Germans the ability to navigate the minefields and position for the assaults. Soviet OP fire is weak and lets the Germans get close without many casualties. Several turns of assault clears both northern hills for a German victory.

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