Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
T34's rule (in 1941)
Author waynebaumber (Soviet Union)
Method Face to Face
Victor Soviet Union
Participants vince hughes (AAR)
Play Date 2011-01-15
Language English
Scenario EFDx076

A mix of Soviet tanks, mainly T34's with some KV1's take on German PZIV's and III's with some infantry support. Mud keeps the Germans on the roads and in the towns, while slowing the KV1's to a crawl. Our game started with the German tanks scurrying into the town while the Red Army's finest advanced a whole single hex from the south. As the Soviets drew closer their was a few turns of cat and mouse but finally the German commander decided that he could not let the brave Soviet tankies encroach too close and he let rip with hus furst salvo, destroying 2 T34,s. The reply came back and the superior fire power of the 76mm gun also took out half a platoon of PzIV's. The problem for the German commander was that while his tanks demoralised the Soviets did not break. The tank duel at the edge of taown carried on for the next 45 m ins with the Germans just getting the worst of it. By then the lumbering KV1's arrived on the scene and the Red Army tank commander decided to force the issue. The KV1's and T34's drove into the town, the KV1's quickly got bogged down in assault with the infantry but more German tanks fell to the Soviet armour. The Russian commander withdrew one of his KV1 platoons from the mess they had got themselves in but was happy to write of the other if it kept the German infantry busy. This it did lasting for quite some time before finally being destroyed by then the German tanks had been pushed out of the town and were being shot up in the muddy countryside by the rampant T34's. The German commander had had enough by then and conceded the field. A tough scenario for the German's and Vince did little wrong during the game, he was right to retreat to the outskirts of the town and was a litle unlucky not to get two hits at least in his first salvo. Once though he got behind in the initiative it was going to be tough to make any headway against the superior armour at the disposal of Katukov. A good little puzzler of a scenario, and quite tense during the initial exchanges

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