Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Road to Berlin, Scenario #35, Kutuzov’s Heart
Author JayTownsend
Method Solo
Victor Draw
Play Date 2010-01-01
Language English
Scenario RtBr035

A quick scenario-counter analysis as to who has the advantages.

Medium-Heavy VS Heavy Tanks:

German 6 x Panthers VS Russian 6 X Stalin II’s

Advantage: Even

Medium Tanks:

German 6 X PzIVH VS Russian 12 X T-34/85

Advantage: Russian

Tank Destroyers:

German none VS Russian 2 X SU-100

Advantage: Russian

Armored Cars:

German 1 X SdKfz 234/2, 2 X SdKfz 234/3, 1 X SdKfz 234/4 VS Russian 2 X Ba64

Advantage: German

Infantry & Support Weapons:

German 14 X GREN, 3 X HMG, 2 X 81mm, 8 X SPW251, 6 X SPW250, 5 X Trucks VS Russian 9 X SMG

Advantage: German

Artillery/SP’s off board & on board:

German 1 X Wespe, 2 x 16 VS Russian 3 x 12

Advantage: Even


German none VS Russian one every turn on rolls of 5 or 6

Advantage: Russian


German 1 x COL, 1 x MAJ, 2 x CAPT, 5 x LT, 1 x SGT VS Russian 1 x LT COL, 1 x CAPT, 2 x LT

Advantage: German


Slight Advantage: to the Germans because they are closer to main board #21 victory objective.

Should be a good scenario to play, with a slight German advantage overall but the first two turns Initiative rolls could play a big part.

I think the key for the Russians to win this one, will be to take out the German Armor first and conserve the Russian 9 x SMG infantry units as must as possible for the second push without so much German armor around, as there is still a lot of German Infantry to over come. I noticed while setting this scenario up that I had to borrow some counters from Regular Russian Army as I only had 10 Guard T-34/85 counters and this one requires 12 counters. No big deal, as I have found most of the bigger scenarios I need to borrow from one or the other, Regular/Guard Armies to fill in.

Posting #2 Ok, I got started early. It is like I thought it might be, the Germans are closer at the start of the game to Board 21, which will make it a tough nut for the Russians to crack but doable. Already I have lost 5 steps of T-34/85's, 2 steps of SU-100's & 2 steps of Ba64's VS 4 steps of Panther tanks. I think another 12 turns of an armor shoot out and then maybe some closing with the Infantry units, if enough force is left in that time frame. I am not sure this will go 30 turns, we'll see.

I am starting to dwindle down the German Armor but at cost to my own as well. I hope I have enough left to push the German Infantry out of town, with my Soviet SMG's and what will remain of my Guard armor. I still hold all my Russian Infantry/SMG units out of action, until my armor has cleared the German armor, we'll see if this strategy works or fails? Then I can bring it all together and hopefully work away at the town hexes.

The Russians actually have a chance to take the Northern town but I am not sure there will be enough left to take the Southern town. I have eliminated all the German Armor but I have not kept my attacking units together very well. I have finally found a use for my Soviet Ba64 Armored Cars; taking out those behind the lines German 81mm Mortars. It helps to get adjacent to them and then roll a two with the dice!

The Northern Town is about to fall to the Soviets but Southern town, has long way to go.

I was one town hex away from a Minor Russian victory, instead I'll have to settle for a draw. Much closer then I thought it would be, I didn't think the Russians had a chance but they would have had a minor victory or more, if I had kept my attacks together and more organized in the beginning. I just had too few Infantry units that were in good shape left to pull it off. Great scenario, it went all the way to the last turn to figure out who would win/lose/draw. The Russian Air-force was not much help, only showing up 3 times.

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