Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Road to Berlin, Scenario 41, Spring Awakened
Author JayTownsend
Method Solo
Victor Soviet Union
Play Date 2010-01-01
Language English
Scenario RtBr041

The first thing you have to do on the Germans side is to pick which North to South road you want to clear & defend. One has towns you will have to clear and one has higher-three level elevation terrain. Both seem difficult and with the moving special rule for this scenario down to a crawl because of mud, the situation becomes dicey. I choose the higher elevation route. Both sides get to start a few infantry units on their side of the board and the rest come on as a race to initiate. As the Russians, you need to kill tanks without losing too many and they have the bigger force.

Basically the Russians won the first activation and I got my smaller German armor too far ahead of my Infantry and they got smashed. Yes they did take some T-34’s with them but the Panthers definitely have to be more careful of the newer T-34C & T-34/85’s. I through in the towel about half way through this game, as the Soviet clearly had this one won, and it may be just because they rolled better activations on the first three turns. The biggest mistake was blowing my panzer too early.

Hex 0710 is a good fishing hole!

2012-11-16 05:29

Jay, I think you did the Panthers out of a fair brawl ?

There are no higher elevations in this, it is all flat as hill lines have to be ignored. I'm presuming your T34's were using the believed 'limited terrain' of the RtB Hill board ? They shouldn't have got it.

I know its a late message to the party, but I was just checking the page as Wayne Baumber and I start this one tomorrow.

2012-11-16 08:28

Trying go by memory here, but I picked the wrong route for the Germans. The Soviets won first activation three times in a row, the dice had them hit the German with a lot of AT 10, 11 & 12 and my Germans were playing catchup in the mud. That is all I remember about the scenario. I think it could go either way.

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