Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Well at least it kept the wrecks out of town
Author Matt W
Method Solo
Victor Germany
Play Date 2011-01-02
Language English
Scenario EFDx030

Two strong armored forces with significant infantry and AT support clash over control of a sizable town. The Soviets are closer to the town and occupy it quickly forcing the Germans to cross substantial open ground in order to come to grips with the Sivets.

I am NOT the best armored force commander but I'm starting to get the idea. Use mass and get into crossfire positions. Avoid the nasty AT guns but lose some tanks in order to crush the mass of the enemy.

This is early in Barbarossa so the Soviet tanks are NOT particularly good and the Germans are in luck to have the 38ts which have sufficient armor to get into a shooting match with the BTs and T-26s.

The Russians entered the board and quickly took command of Senno loading it up with their infantry and AT guns. The BTs rushed out to try to take the fields west of Senno and deny their use as a screen for AT guns. It almost worked. They got to the right position and the next turn would have given them the final rush when the Germans won the initiative. 15 BT-7s were suddenly reduced to fireplaces. The BTs then ran away to the northwest trying to escape the arriving 38ts. It didn't work as assaulting infantry, AT guns and tanks quickly reduced the BTs to lone tanks running away.

At the same time the Soviet medium tanks, the T-26s, advanced on the south flank of the German tank mass. With their increased armor protection they proved much more difficult for the German tanks to engage, so they split into two groups, one which placed themselves in front of Senno and open to AT gun fire and one to the SW of the T-26s. With the +2 bonus for crossfire the T-26s began their death march. The German tanks in front of Senno took losses from the AT guns (about 10 tanks) but remained in place long enough to accomplish the near complete destruction of the Soviet tank force.

German infantry then moved up to assault the AT guns and once they were invested (and could no longer shoot at advancing armor, the tanks and ultimately the SPWs were able to move into Senno and the firepower and combined arms action resulted in the whittling down of the Soviet position.

A good learning experience, however I would strongly suggest that, if the goal is to HOLD Senno, that the Russians stay in Senno and force the Germans to assault at a disadvantage. I was too wasteful of my Soviet tanks resulting in the loss of their firepower and mass to hold the town after the Germans closed the gap. Still an enjoyable ride as I was able to atually put together a tactical plan for the Germans and see it work.

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