Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Another historical outcome with a PzG scenario....
Author Brad_Newcomer (United States)
Method Face to Face
Victor Draw
Participants ravensworth (AAR)
Play Date 2024-04-21
Language English
Scenario AirI005

This was another fun scenario played in-person over an approximate 5-hour session (give or take a bit). Was a pretty standard game with the US eventually taking and controlling the lock hex. Then, on turn #17 the Germans rolled successfully for their reinforcements. That essentially stalled the US forces in their attempt to take the town hex at 0412. The US forces immediately implemented a strategic retreat back to the lock hex and began setting up a defensive perimeter, with attempt to dig in to ensure. We ended up calling the game on turn #19 due to time. We both agreed that this was a draw and that the Germans would have to spend too much time getting to the lock hex through the marshes and there wouldn't be enough time to dislodge the US defensive perimeter to push for control of the lock hex. We also agreed that the US side (my side) wasted too much time and didn't advance on the lock hex fast enough. The US side chose to try and soften up the dug in German unit across the river from the lock hex. In the end, the US wasted valuable time that could have been better spent on taking the town hex. Overall, we called it a DRAW at that stage and remarked at how similar this game mimicked the historical outcome of this battle. All in all, a rather fun afternoon. I think this could be a scenario that we try a second play-through on at some stage!

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