Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Afrika 1944 #18 - The Mother of All Battles
Author Juiceman
Method Solo
Victor Germany, Italy
Play Date 2024-04-01
Language English
Scenario Af44018

This scenario lived up to its name, 12 maps and 432 counters, you could play this scenario with up to 6 players.

The US forces held their own for the first quarter of the game, they were able to occupy favorable defensive terrain, especially for their armored infantry. Their armor on the south road took a beating from the German Lions (PzIVHs), Tigers and Panthers but they held their own forcing the Germans to their front to regroup.

Meanwhile the Italian reinforcements arrived out flanking the American northern positions per the setup rules, it was at this time the German Kampfgruppe along the north road launched their attack, they had waited till the slow moving Tigers got into position, but the Axis attack was uncoordinated, the Italians hit the Americans first with a brief but intense armor battle pitting M26s and Jumbos against the improved Italian armor that included a platoon of Tiger IIs.

Then the cavalry arrived, elements of a UK armored brigade caught the surviving Italian armor on the flank, the Firefly's helped redress the situation, but their Shermans died a quick once the German Lions, Tigers and Panthers arrived to help their Italian allies.

The Allies scraped together their remaining armor to try and keep the northern road in their control, but the Axis armored forces were just too strong, too many Tigers and Panthers. The Axis managed to control two of the VCs for a minor victory.

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