Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
A race against time and some lucky rolls -- Down to the last die roll on the last turn!
Author Brad_Newcomer (United States)
Method Face to Face
Victor United States
Participants ravensworth (AAR)
Play Date 2024-03-24
Language English
Scenario AirI003

This was a game of "divide and conquer" with some close in DF to soften up the soon to be assaulted hexes. At 1000, the US assaulted hex 0409 after having spent two turns softening up the hex with DF from the town hex at 0509. Overall result was a US win in that assault due to rolling well on the 18 assault column resulting in a step loss and the loss of a disrupted strongpoint when it was all said and done. This was a key outcome of this scenario as it voided the ability of the GER player to receive their reinforcements on turn 1045.

Having removed that strongpoint, and the GER reinforcements, the US turned their attention towards the main objective town hex across the causeway. The US Paratroopers stormed up the causway and survived 2 rounds of OPP fire from the town to make it to the adjacent hex unscathed. The next turn at 1030 began the direct assault of the main town hex and US objective.

Nearly 8 rounds of assault and a few counter-assaults ensued into the town with both sides suffering some poor morale rolls and a few step losses here and there. For instance, on turn 1030, the assaults started on the 9 column for the US and the 13 column for the GER. By the 1200 turn, the tied had turned in the US's favor with a dead even 5 column vs. 5 column assault. At the end of the 1200 turn the GER players failed morale checks on demoralized units and should have been forced out of the town to retreat. However, there was no where for them to go based on the scenario constraints. So, the DEM GER units just hunkered down in the town hex where they stood. At 1215, the US PARA's threw everything they had in on last valient assault on the town hex. On this last turn of the scenario, and on the last set of die rolls, the GER suffered more lost morale checks on their DEM units and ended up being "eliminated", or in our minds the Russian prisoners just gave up the fight and surrendered to the US paratroopers.

In the end, this was a fun and QUICK scenario. Pretty straight forward and not a lot of complexity. Pretty much a mad dash and some quick "softening" of the hard targets with some DF before an eventual assault. The GER player almost held off long enough to cause a draw while holding the main town hex objective. However, the end results showed the nuances of this system and the power of leaders and the morale system.

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