Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
This scenario is why I purchased the game
Author Umikaze
Method Solo
Victor France
Play Date 2024-03-18
Language English
Scenario FaoF015

Every since I first started reading about WWII (back in the 1970s) I've seen "general" reader books which partially attribute Germany's quick victory in France to superior armor. However, more specialized/technical works praise the quality of French armor while saying the French just didn't have enough of it. When my lovely bride asked why I wanted a game on 1940 France, I told her, "It'll have all the early war tanks in it and I want to see how good the French armor was."

I know you can't make an assessment from just one play of one scenario, and the French admittedly had some hot dice, but man! The French destroyed five of the six German tank platoons while taking no losses of their own. Just a single German platoon managed to exit the board unscathed.

French win, score 10-2. Again, it'll require more plays before I can make a real assessment, but right now it's not looking promising for le boche.

2024-03-19 09:00

That's why I was interested in France '40 as well...they had the technology, but not the vision or the tactical expertise....

I did an AAR on this---as German was too smart---he didn't fire a shot I think...just ran for off the board....

I think the Germans lose if they engage....unlike other scenarios where some maneuver on the part of the Germans is possible---the only solution here is to get past them (for the Germans)...Other games, if the Germans use tanks effectively, and have initiative, it can be costly for the french---but Germans killing big french tanks during this period, in non-maneuver scenarios just don't happen.....

Glad you enjoyed it...the contrast of tactical systems in Early war is most interest part of the series I think....

2024-03-19 11:39

Thanks !! I think that I feel the same...

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