Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Brutal fight for the town
Author gambler1650
Method Solo
Victor United States
Play Date 2023-11-27
Language English
Scenario BlkP009

I started the game a couple of months ago and was about 1/3 of the way through. I played the rest of it the last two days. It felt like it came down to the final turn, although the result - a Minor U.S. victory - was probably close to sealed a few turns earlier.

The early game was marked by the duel between the three U.S. tank platoons and the Panther platoon. While the Panthers took down 1 1/2 platoons before it was destroyed, the Germans could have used at least one more step loss on a Black Panthers' tank platoon, as they were instrumental in clearing out woods north of the town. The reduced platoon was destroyed by the German anti tank weapon in the very west of the town. A lucky artillery shot removed the AT weapon later in the game. The U.S were held up by a unit in the center of the map on the road, a fairly strong position to the north in the woods, and a single HMG + leader in the southern woods, and the westernmost position in the town which was stacked with a 10/2/2 leader and resisted all direct fire and bombardments (except the aforementioned lucky hit on the AT weapon).

With about 10 turns to go, the U.S. finally got into the town with the remaining M34/76 platoon, a leader and infantry, and due to the original German plan of slowing them down rather than hunkering down in the town, that stack (minus a demoralized unit here, plus a new infantry platoon there) cleared out three hexes of the town before finally assaulting the strongpoint. That strongpoint managed to demoralize the tankers which pulled back with three turns left and that was probably the reason why the Germans still had a single infantry platoon plus the leader at the end of the game. However, the Americans had less step losses than the Germans (19 - 21) and they held 4 town hexes to gain 2 of the 3 objectives to gain their Minor Victory.

Overall a good scenario. The U.S. could have (and probably should have) focused on either the North or South approach rather than going down the center and clearing everything out before taking on the town. The Germans probably should have used at least one more platoon in the town itself, and perhaps had the Panther platoon in the town itself for Opportunity fire chances. This would have made it even more a grind than it turned out to be at the end. Since the last 10 or so turns (more than a third) of the battle was house to house fighting in the town, I took a star off as it became more of a grind than I tend to like.

2023-11-27 16:29

Well-written AAR!

Now might be an opportune time to try your hand at shared, online play using the Vassal platform as it is WAY more fun to play an unpredictable human opponent.

A number of us are retired & available to show you how, should you be so inclined.

In the meantime, have a happy Holiday Season, and do let me know if you'd like to learn to play on Vassal.

2023-11-27 16:41

Looking at your record and this AAR, it's time to give Vassal a try.

2023-11-27 17:19

I agree with my colleagues and will be happy to play you online when you're ready.

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