Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Fire in the Steppe #17 - Fortune Favors the Inept
Author Juiceman
Method Solo
Victor Germany
Play Date 2023-11-01
Language English
Scenario FitS017

The German player has a low probability for success in this scenario, they are outnumbered and outclassed, especially if you play this game using the standard God like spotting rules of PG. This game IMHO should be played with a partner using hidden set up for the Germans and possibly FOW rules, this would give the Germans a chance to ambush the Soviet units as they advanced down the road or towards the town.

For my solo play, I used the hidden set up rules for the Germans, wrote out several Soviet movement to contact plans and drew two randomly.

The Germans cannot take on the Soviets directly, their only hope is to ambush the Soviet advance, picking off a BT tank or loaded truck and keeping their armored cars hidden until the end of the game when they can move to the road denying one of the Soviet objectives.

Steps losses were 22 German, 12 for the Soviets, not the 2-1 needed for a Soviet victory. Both the road and the town were not in Soviet hands either.

Luck was on the side of the Germans at the end of the game, the Soviets had a chance to win on the last turn, but the lone German reduced platoon still in the town rolled snake eyes for recovery, not sure I could repeat this German victory. This scenario could easily be a 1 or 2 rating.

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