Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Terry Allen Assaults Djebel Berda
Author treadasaurusrex (United States)
Victor United States
Participants Capt. Chaos
Play Date 2023-07-31
Language English
Scenario AAAD039

This was a 8-session play-through with the determined, wily & resourceful, Capt. Chaos leading advanced elements of the Italian 131st Centauro Armored Division that begin on, and around, Djebel Berda. I led forward elements of the American 18th Infantry Regiment of the 1st Infantry Division that started dug-in on Hill 722. The Americans drew a decent set of leaders, the Italians did not. We played with the consolidation, smoke/illum, extended assault and excess initiative optional rules. In addition, we used the following three house rules: 1) Road Movement for Mechanized & Foot Units All FOOT & MECHANIZED units may move on roads at the rate of 1/2 a Movement Point (MP) per road hex, just like MOTORIZED units, 2) Standardized Movement for Mechanized Units All mechanized units may move through clear hexes at a movement cost of only 1 movement point (MP) per hex, instead of 1 1/2. Add one to this cost if moving up or down slopes hexes, and 3) 3) Dug In Units in Slope Hexes are Automatically in Limiting Terrain in Desert Games Unless prohibited by special scenario rules, ALL units that are dug-in on slope hexes are considered to be in limiting terrain** and are spotted if enemy units approach to within 3 hexes, or 4 hexes for reconnaissance units – unless they are marked with a spotted marker, see 8.22.

Our initial session (game turn 1) featured totally ineffective OBA for both sides as the Americans began an extended, right flank & central movement to contact on the southern half of the map. A combined FOUR combat 7-die rolls were thrown.

The second session (game turn 2) brought the first casualties for both sides in adjacent-hex firefights as the American force began to lap up against the dug-in Italian infantry positions on Djebel Berda in the south and the center of the battle map. Two companies of the US advance began veering to the left and climbed over the lip of the hill mass under cover of a smokescreen and suppressive fire. There was some effective Italian counter battery fire that demoralized one of the trio of 37mm AT guns in the north. Also, in the north, a company of Italian infantry, supported by mounted scouts and a tank platoon crossed the valley and began attacking the dug in US positions on the north-south ridge, Once again, a combined FOUR combat 7-die rolls were thrown.

Our third session (game turns 3-4) featured many adjacent-hex fire fights on the lower slopes of Djebel Berda, as well as across the adjoining valley to the northwest. The initial American flanking movement to the left of the Djebel’s 40-meter hilltop failed miserably and was on the verge of collapse. Steps losses caused both sides to lose one level of initiative. The updated victory point tally was 12 for the now-defending Italians and a mere 9 for the Americans.

The fourth session (game turn 5) consisted of ferocious fighting on the slopes of the Djebel as the Americans attempted to re-establish their assault stacks & regain momentum. Numerous adjacent-hex firefights and the first full-on, close assault on the hill supported by mortar and HMG fire and OBA erupted on the southern 20-meter contour line. Slowly the GIs sought additional toeholds on the Djebel and maneuvered for flanking and enfilade positions, as the Italians grudgingly gave ground. The infantry component of the Italian northern thrust across the valley was thrown back, leaving only a scatter of leaders, trucks, some motorcycle infantry and the lone AC90/53 SPAT portee. With 2 additional Italian step losses, the updated victory point tally was now tied at 12 for both sides.

Our action-packed, fifth session (game turns 6-7) featured multiple adjacent-hex firefights and a pair of close assaults on Djebel Berda, as well as fierce, close-range fighting in the north edge of the long, north-south 20-meter ridge. The casualty tally was 15 steps for the battered Italian defenders of the Djebel, and 11 for the haggard GIs. Highlights included the loss of a section of Italian Semovente 75/18 assault guns that was finally caught in a successful cross fire, as well as the first captured American leader. The updated victory point tally was now: 20 for the Americans, and 15 for the Italian side. A combined FIFTEEN combat 7-die rolls were thrown.

The “forced from my home by roofers” 6th session (game turn 8) consisted mostly of the development of three, American close assaults in the southern and northwestern portions of the Djebel. Surprisingly, these were accompanied by some accurate US mortar and OBA supporting fire that finally eliminated the most powerful, hilltop Italian gun emplacements. A combined EIGHT combat 7-die rolls were thrown.

Our seventh session (game turn 9) was played at K.R. Rabbit’s hospitable & museum-like place, and was characterized by a dramatic tightening of the American grip on the lower slopes of Djeba Berda. A record, 3 close assaults were successful for the advancing GIs and another step of Italian M-14/41 tanks was eliminated on the 40-meter hill top. Victory points were now: 28 for the Americans, and 17 for the Italian side. A combined TEN combat 7-die rolls were thrown.

The eighth session (game turns 10-12) featured intense & costly close range fighting all over the Djebel hill top hexes as the advancing Americans took 2 of the key 40-meter hexes and disputed another. We lost track of the number of Axis steps lost in this bloody & consequential session. Surprisingly, one Italian Mortar platoon survived this 12-turn maelstrom. The last remaining platoon of US jeeps was eliminated by a long-range AT shot by the Semovente75/18. The final Victory point totals were: 43 for the Americans, and 15 for the Italian side resulting in a major American victory. I give this fun-to-play scenario a rating of a 5, and recommend it for SHARED and SOLO play.

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