Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Fall of France 2 #8 - Through the Ardennes
Author Juiceman
Method Solo
Victor Germany
Play Date 2023-06-01
Language English
Scenario FoF2008

Both sides for this scenario are highly mobile, the Germans have the edge in motorized infantry, but the Frogs have the better AT assets, the key for the Frogs is how many bridges can two engineer platoons demo in 20 turns and how are you going to use your light cavalry to buy them the time needed, since you have two full maps and 8 bridges to demo. Did I forget to mention the Germans have engineers as well, the crossing numbers are 10-8-7, one of the German objectives is to establish a bridgehead on the west side, so in essence you will have to cover the whole river.

For the Germans which bridge or bridges are you going to go after, most of the bridges are to the south in or around a built-up area which could be difficult to get thru, while there are fewer bridges to the north (3) but the terrain is more open, once you get thru the wooded hills because you need to capture one bridge intact as one of your objectives. If you fail to capture a bridge then you will need to get 25 units across the river the old fashion way, using you engineers.

For my play thru the Frogs fought hard, their dragoons supported by the P178s, AMR 33/35s and Portees poked and prodded the main German advance causing heavy casualties early on, but the Frogs could not be everywhere, and the Germans were able to get around on both flanks.

This game come down to the wire, the Germans had captured one bridge, edged the Frogs by 4 steps and were able to rally two disrupted platoons on the last turn to reach 26 good ordered units on the west side.

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