Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Better than Expected - A Hard Fought Draw for the French
Author treadasaurusrex (France)
Victor Draw
Participants ACav
Play Date 2023-06-01
Language English
Scenario FaoF031

This was an oft-delayed, 3-session play through with the fun-loving, determined and high morale, ACav leading the attacking Germans. I played the defending French side. We used the consolidation, smoke/ilum, excess initiative optional rules and ignored the FOW. Both sides drew good leaders, and oddly, 7 of the German's leaders managed to get themselves eliminated. This probably was the primary cause of the French achieving a draw in this rather unbalanced (in favor of the Germans) scenario. Ironically, once the Les Boches lost their Bufla SPAT platoon and fiendish AT gun platoon, hope was kindled in a big way for the French during the costly, 11th game turn. A combined 23 combat 7-die rolls happened in this 16-turn play-through.

Others have filed detailed AARs on this one, so I won't take the time for a thorough play-by-play, but will say that the Germans had consistently poor luck with the die rolling fates in all three sessions. Few tactical mistakes were made by the Teutonic horde, but losing so many leaders - 3 in one turn - made it very hard for the Landsers to properly stage their close range fire & multiple assaults.

I give this one a 3, but can only recommend it for SOLO play, as it is just too hard a pull for the French defenders.

2023-06-04 03:27

How can you possibly recover from losing your BUFLA!!!!.... Tragic...

2023-06-04 10:58

Mon Dieu . . . it is so true, Mon Ami! The demise of the lurking Bufla, marked the and of the despicable Boche's elan in the cramped woods of La Belle France!

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