Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Jungle Fighting #39
Author triangular_cube
Method Solo
Victor United States
Play Date 2023-03-02
Language English
Scenario JuFi039

This one was a refreshing change of pace. Dispersed Japanese must hold onto 3 of 4 spots on the map that are spread far apart. USMC raider patrols, also spread out must take them from them. The Japanese are also pseudo hidden, even moreso than the normal jungle rules for this module, so the Americans won't know which are strongly defended until they make contact. Knowing this they plan to each advance on those directly in front of them, take them if lightly held, and then converge on one of the final 2 together. Of course, if they let the Japanese slip past them they can take them right back. They also need to limit their causualties to 2. Which means luck is going to play a big role here. Both sides have the body armor morale 9 rating though, so they tend to just bounce off each other.

Japanese set up their full strength SER and 81s in the north out of the way, with their reduced off cuts in the south west to hold off against walk ins, and their full HMG and 70 in the south east.The bulk of their force sets up in the west, ready to counterattack the isolated raider company there, hopefully rolling well enough to trigger a step loss or 2.

Americans advance under light fire in the south, and close for assault, which take forever to resolve due to bad rolls, but they end up clearing them with no losses and move quickly through the clearings towards the north.

The western company races north for the road to try and bypass the Japanese defenders and link up with the other 2 companies, but get cut off by the counterattack stacks. A lucky 2x result in the bottleneck by the raiders cuts the Japanese defenders down a bit, but seeing the thick defense they back off and retreat west. The Japanese pursue seeing their best hope for step losses, but the dancing runs out the clock while the other 2 companies sweep into the west strong point.

Interesting premise, albeit a bit mundane due to morale 9 on both sides making most results nill. I think if the Japanese only had to hold 2 points, they could try a better defense aside from the usual counterattack for step losses strategy.

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