Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Back in the Saddle
Author gambler1650
Method Solo
Victor France
Play Date 2023-02-22
Language English
Scenario FaoF006

So this was my first Panzer Grenadier play in quite awhile. I made a couple of rules mistakes as I went, but overall I think the mistakes balanced out. It was a cake walk for the French. 26 - 9 VP in their favor. It should have been a bit closer due to me forgetting about there being only two Tank Leaders for the French, and the effects of activating the non Tank Leadered tanks separately in the last few turns. But it still would have fallen in favor of the French. Just getting used to the system again, there were three main mistakes made by the German side:

1) Approached the 'strongpoint' in the town around the number 28 too cautiously. There were two DRG units in 0301 and they managed to dig in. Behind them was a spectacular French leader (11 morale, +1 combat, +2 morale) and another DRG. And next to both of them was an HMG. All of them managed to dig in rather leisurely even though I forgot to start doing that in Turn 1 (they completed it on Turn 3).

2) Banged the German heads against the strongest hex (0301) instead of focusing on eliminating French tanks that were on the flanks or sneaking past to attack the leader and the single DRG directly. Now, I did do something in favor of the Germans early, I combined all the direct fire from three adjacent hexes even though they would have only been able to do in one hex. This caused a step loss to 0301 and disrupted one unit and demoralized the second. Which led me to false confidence in assaulting the hex. That leader kept those two units in the game, and they managed to disrupt and demoralize on average two of the three tanks that were assaulting them. And I kept banging those German heads in an assault that basically took half the game for no true effect on either side. Once I did sneak some German armor around the flank, they got pounced and taken out by the HMG+DRG+Leader behind 0301.

3) After taking out the weaker defenders in the town on the upper right (1102), the German armor got stuck hammering at the lone ATG in some woods behind the front line, instead of just moving out to claim town hexes. They did cause a step loss on said ATG, but were never able to eliminate it and took 3 step losses in return.

Another turning moment: A two range shot from an R39 gave the Panzer IV platoon a step loss and demoralized it on the second turn, putting the German's strongest unit out of the game for about 6 turns while it tried to escape and recover.

There would certainly be some alternate ways to play this scenario, and I'll likely get back to it at some point. In spite of the lopsidedness of the outcome and the level of rust I had, it played quite smoothly. Finished it in about 4 hours.

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