Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Spread Out and Move East!
Author treadasaurusrex (United States)
Victor Draw
Participants waynebaumber (AAR)
Play Date 2023-02-20
Language English
Scenario AAAD019

This was a 4-session play-through with the aggressive and determined, Wayne Baumber, leading the overextended – but well-dug-in – German side. I led the very green and poorly organized attacking US Task Force Stark. We used FOW, smoke/illum, excess initiative, consolidation optional rules. We also experimentally used the following three house rules: 1) Road Movement for Mechanized & Foot Units All FOOT & MECHANIZED units may move on roads at the rate of 1/2 a Movement Point (MP) per road hex, just like MOTORIZED units 2) Standard Movement for Mechanized Units All mechanized units may move through clear hexes at a movement cost of only 1 movement point (MP) per hex, instead of 1 1/2. Add one to this cost if moving up or down slopes hexes. 3) Dug In Units are Automatically in Limiting Terrain in Desert Games Unless prohibited by special scenario rules, ALL units that are dug-in on hill, slope or wadi & gully hexes are considered to be in limiting terrain and are spotted if enemy units approach to within 3 hexes, or 4 hexes for reconnaissance units – unless they fire or move.

The initial session (game turns 1-6) included a lengthy American movement-to-contact from the west edge of Map 78, with the bulk of the force moving across the southern margin of the battle map and an infantry company scouting east along the single road. The majority of the US tanks and tank destroyers scuttled across the length of the battle map, taking long-range AT hits on the way. The long east-west ridge on Map 78 was occupied by the advancing Americans as the Germans redeployed south and west from their initial positions. The sole Luftwaffe air support sortie called for in the scenario failed miserably. Casualties were limited to 1 German step and 5 US steps in this session, Only a single American combat 7-die roll was recorded.

The second session (game turns 7-12) was a rather grim one for both sides with a costly German counter attack in the hilly southern portion of Map 77, that blunted and chewed up the leading edge of the US force. This counter attack was eventually repulsed. In the center, the German advance adjacent to the road was halted and slowly reversed owing to a large number of morale breakdowns that affected both sides. The first 6 steps of American armored units scuttled off the east edge of the battle map. This bloody session’s casualties were; 7 steps for the German side, and 10 for the Americans, which resulted in both side’s initiative falling to 0. The victory point tally was 20 for the Germans, and 14 for the Americans at the mid-point of the scenario. The German Commander managed to throw FIVE combat 7-die roll, to only one for the US.

The extended 3rd session (game turns 13-20) was a fairly dismal one for the defending Americans that saw the elimination of the last M-4 tank platoon, the collapse of a weak GI infantry attack in the south, and a vigorously-renewed German counter attack in the southernmost portion of Map 77. The only good news for the American defenders was the final destruction of the last German mortar and 88mm AT gun platoon – both by accurate OBA strikes. At the end of the session, the victory point total was: 32 for the Germans and 18 for the Americans. There were a combined TWELVE combat 7-die rolls in this session! It looks like this one will come down to the wire in the remaining 4 turns!

The fourth session (game turns 21-24) was very exciting that included some miserably poor combat and morale-related die rolling for both sides. There were a combined NINE combat 7-die rolls. The Nazi counter attack in the south collapsed, with the loss of the last German tank platoon and another step of infantry eliminated in close assaults. However, clever German moves in game turns 23-24 placed units on the road in Map 78. Both sides' OBA was unusually ineffective during this session. The final score was Germans 29, to 26 for the Americans, which resulted in a hard-fought, slightly frustrating, draw. The Germans were only a single victory short of a minor victory, WHEW!

There were 10 FOW-shortened turns, out of 24 played. I give this well-balanced scenario an enthusiastic 4, and recommend it for both SOLO & SHARED play.

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