Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Jungle Fighting #17
Author triangular_cube
Method Solo
Victor Japan
Play Date 2023-02-14
Language English
Scenario JuFi017

This is almost a repeat of 16 with the major difference being the American timetable. This time they have all the time they ever need, but still must force the issue sooner rather than later because their OBA only lasts 4 turns. They also have the terrible "historical" casualty numbers to keep below, and they lose if they take 2 steps, and the Japanese win if they get 3. The result is that the Japanese will take on their normal suicidal active defense strategy to grind out step losses with their 2xINF counterattack stack which they position behind their trenches HMG stack.

Americans pound away with OBA to little effect and fire in with all their DF they can, while the Japanese flank to the north of the trench with their stack and make contact with the Americans who themselves are softened up by the Japanese OBA/HMG fire. The step losses for American loss is hit on turn 4, and on turn 5 the Japanese win by getting the third.

Once again the deadly Japan/Morale/Leader and if lucky dem bonus wins out. PZG is odd that the safest place to be for an outnumbered opponent is an assault hex, especially when they have morale 9 body armor. Combined with very low step loss counts in VCs make this, and most of the module a somewhat unsatisfying exercise in chart manipulation and maximizing rolls for an X or 1.

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