Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Jungle Fighting #12
Author triangular_cube
Method Solo
Victor Japan
Play Date 2023-02-11
Language English
Scenario JuFi012

Similar set up to the prior 2 scenarios. Japanese have a set line of entrenchments to defend, this time down a tiny bit from the last two fights. Americans get 2 battalions this time, and although still flimsy morale wise, the numbers make this a fairer fight, though still probably favoring the Japanese.

American setup is more or less as constrained as the Japanese, so they will have the 2 battalions attacking both sides of the line. The weakest entrenchment is on the right, which is the only one oustside of the Jungle. Being the wing entrenchment, this is the most likely breakthrough point. The Americans in the east will dash across the open ground to the Jungle in the South and approach from the east while their HMGs suppress that corner.

The western approach will be handled more or less identical to the last scenario.

The massed OBA never rolls a natural X, so no real effect against morale 9. One step is knocked off a Japanese MG via the Eastern American HMG suppression, but not much effect is noted. The Americans reach the jungle line and begin to approach from the east.

In the West, after the last of the OBA is used up, the approach through the Jungle sliver reaches adjacent to the 2 X3 INF stacks. OP fire from one dem/dis the approaching stack while the other stack assaults out of their entrenchments, wiping the group over the next 2 turns including a decap/cat loss of a LT COL. With the west frozen in place, and the nearest in the East as well, the Japanese pick apart the frozen on approach Americans with ease.

Another Japanese win, but much closer this time.

2023-02-11 12:31

Drew and I had slog over Mt. Austin a few years back. My first thought was that the 132nd Inf Reg as inadequate to its task. I did barely pull it out in the end with massed U.S. firepower and a couple of timely assaults. The basic philosophy being the chip a small notch and jam in a crowbar.

2023-02-11 13:14

Yeah, I saw that when I was scoping out the next few scenarios. I guess the good thing about all these Mt Austin scenarios which are very very similar is that you can always try new tactics the next time around. 13 is basically the same as 12 aside from a couple missing platoons.

I still feel that no matter what you do, its going to depend on rolling well as the US in these, as well as most of the scenarios in this module. Morale 9 is very strong in the system even without entrenchments. Add in the morale 7 Americans and the Japanese really don't even need the entrenchments, they just jump out and slice through your formation like butter in assault.

But I will have plenty of time and plenty of scenarios to try to figure it out.

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