Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Crashing the beach party
Author scrane
Method Solo
Victor United States
Play Date 2023-02-04
Language English
Scenario Af44006

This was a reasonably fast scenario featuring an amphibious landing by a battalion of Marines supported with LVT tanks against a weaker force of German Fallschirmjager defending an airfield just behind the beaches. The Germans deployed in entrenched strongpoints surrounding the airfield on the beach side, with an 88 overlooking the area from a hill and a 75mm ATG positioned to sweep the seas.

The Marines landed in 3 closely-spaced company strength waves at the far left of the battlefield, an area that featured some ground behind the beach on which the Marines could form up and make a more organized attack toward the objective. The German ATG only managed to sink 1 platoon of LVTs and Marines before it was taken out by naval aircraft. The Marines quickly overcame some paratroopers in a town just behind the beach, then organized two main assaults at the entrenchments guarding the airfield to the west and south. While the Marines sustained some casualties in the approach, their assaults were devastatingly effective at reducing then eliminating the German strongpoints.

The German 88s were suppressed throughout the action by naval bombardment, but never eliminated. The gunners eventually ran off when the weight of metal became too much for them. With that threat eliminated, Marines and LVT tanks carried out the final assault on the paras dug in at the airfield, securing a victory in under three hours.

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