Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Tank Battles #21
Author triangular_cube
Method Solo
Victor Germany
Play Date 2023-01-14
Language English
Scenario TaBa021

This is a bit of an absurd one where the Soviets push 60 foot units across a single Geo-Map into a German position to clear the town or eliminate the Battalion HQ and amass a body count.

The Germans decide to not contest map 6 at all, as the Soviets would be able to set up in the same woods. Maximizing approach OP fire is a necessity to slow down the horde. Intent on holding the town until achieving enough kills of their own, and then mounting an armored counter attack once a weak spot in the Soviet blob emerges, the Germans set up along the woods overlooking the road off of 6 on 3, and the rest stack tall in the town itself.

Soviets divide their main force into 4 groups, on in the north, center, and south, with one more pushing up behind the center in reserve. The artillery deploys in safety in the woods. At this point they just begin pushing forward, prioritizing their OBA fire vs movement for FOW and trying to stay coherant to until contact.

Germans focus fire their OBA as the Soviets have 8 morale instead of 7, and start picking apart the groups one by one, first the South, then the North, then the Center. Losses pile up but the Soviets keep moving like a game of space invaders. German reinforcements arrive early and they race down the road, with the IVs going to counter the northern group and the IIIs supporting the woods based infantry line against the Center.

Lucky initiate rolls allow the Soviet Center to pin and pummel 4 steps of IIIFs while the Center Reserve continued the push. The North disintegrated due to OBA and fire, and finally assaults from the IVs. The Soviets abandon the North and push the survivors back into the trees to join up with the regrouping initial Center as the Reserve pushes forward here.

The Southern group makes contact with the German infantry line and starts picking it apart. Those who are not pinned down retreat to form a new line dug in nearby the town. Enough combined OBA and the newly freed up IVs fall down onto the center and the last pushes from the South arent enough to clear the town.

This one is a tough nut to crack for the Soviets even with their mass of bodies as taking towns against densely stacked defenders with OBA is still pretty tough in PZG, but it was a pretty unique experience commanding that many troops in such a small area. Without the snow bogging them down, I think the Soviets win this one.

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