Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Tank Battles #12
Author triangular_cube
Method Solo
Victor Austria
Play Date 2023-01-03
Language English
Scenario TaBa012

These race of the board scenarios rarely work in the PZG system as the fleeing and chasing units move the same speed and cant shoot on the move. This one seems to be an exception based on the more mobile Austrians and the narrow entrance corridor of the Germans which is away from the road. Despite the turn count, this was a quick play as the Germans either slip through or get clobbered rather quickly.

Germans enter with their armor in the north, the left flank anchored by the IIIs and IVs. Objective is to reach the N/S road on 9, and then go opposite of the Austrian armor and race off. The rest of the troops mounted in trucks head south looking for the road on 6, along with the extra trucks they have to protect. Austrians enter in the north , down the 9 road with their armor and set up immediate flanking shots on the IIIs and IVs, with the CAV following them. Quick road blocks of 47s are set up on both E/W roads, and the Infantry enter from the south with the CVs and armored cars to engage the German INF.

Austrians win init from a 1,6 roll and hit the German armor hard, achieving 3 (x2) step losses right off the bat, the German IIs flee south but ultimately run into the road blocks and Austrian infantry, getting cut of further. The German infantry dismount to save their skins, but the trucks get shot up to nothing. The slow moving INF and HMG then get picked off one by one, and ends up in a German win.

Had the Austrians not won init on T2 by a large margin to ensure crossfire, i think this tends towards a draw, with the Germans exiting enough steps, but the Austrians picking off enough to both win. Those trucks are hard to protect and arent excluded from VCs.

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