Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Tank Battles #11
Author triangular_cube
Method Solo
Victor Austria
Play Date 2023-01-03
Language English
Scenario TaBa011

Austrians set up in control of the town with 3 batteries of 47s, Germans need to take it with an infantry force supported by a large amount of light tanks. The light tanks are a major liability at least until the 47s are destroyed, as they have a step loss limit and the brittle things count double. The key seems to be for the Austrians to place the 47s for their own security, as their infantry force can most likely deal with the Germans, tanks aside. From there, they can stack up in the town, and counter attack a bit if the opportunity presents itself. Austrians thus place one 47 on the hill overlooking the road approaching from board 6 (alongside a double HMG stack that plans to shoot once and fall back), and the other two in the town facing said road. This will allow the Germans to move through board 6 largely uncontested, but defending it would only cost them some of their ample time while spreading out the Austrians.

Germans advance along the road until just outside of the spotting corridor and unload their infantry. The trucks will scurry back and hide in the woods for the rest of the scenario. Having no armor or cav of their own, the Austrians cant really threaten the motor pool for this scenario. The armor advances behind the infantry and then diverts south along the woodline on board 6, staying out of sight for now. The Austrian HMGs score some disruptions from OP fire and fall back into the town. The German infantry clear the hill but then stumble against the town defenders. Focusing the artillery on the 47s doesnt accomplish much as the Australian counter mix from AK has many 2 morale mods (as written Austrians used Australian leaders back then). They just dont have the punch to knock them out, meaning the tanks stay away lest the wrecks pile up. Eventually Germans begin to lose out in the DF exchanges with the defending HMGs and the Austrian inf start a counter attack and roll up the Germans.

Maybe being more aggressive with the tanks would take the town, but I doubt they could do it within the loss limits.

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