Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Bulge-a-Thon Continues
Author thomaso827
Method Solo
Victor United States
Play Date 2022-12-29
Language English
Scenario ElsR031

Been a while, but I've always tried to get in as many Bulge scenarios as possible this time of year, with scenarios corresponding to the play date. Today, we saw the SS troops fail to take the crossroads on Board 25, while suffering 50% casualties and decapitation all before the halfway point. German leadership crew all 10-level leaders, with most having maple modifiers and a few having the firepower mod. US leadership didn't come out nearly as well, with a 10-0-1 Major, the rest 8s and 9s and only 2 others with morale modifiers. But despite all that, the fighting in the dark really helped the U.S. forces who had formed a good line North of the East-West road. When the radios starts working and the artillery started coming in, the Germans were caught in the open trying to take the crossroads objective. I'm 2 turns, They lost 4 steps at the objective. The first IS casualties came with the German artillery fire with just 2 step losses in turns 23 and 24. Great game.

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