Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Parachutes Over Crete: Heraklion, scenario #9: A Greek-Like Struggle
Author JayTownsend
Method Solo
Victor Germany
Play Date 2022-12-25
Language English
Scenario POCH009

Parachutes Over Crete: Heraklion, scenario #9: A Greek-Like Struggle

Played this scenario in the morning. Hordes of weak Greek Infantry attacking a few elite German airborne troops on a large hill top. The Germans do get a couple Infantry reinforcement units.

The Greeks rush the dug-in German units hoping numbers will prevail but lose their Colonel early and trying to assault some of the Germans. The Greek casualties mount pretty fast but the Germans are feeling the pressure of the Larger Greek force, fortunately for them, their reinforcement arrived on turn four. The Greek take a beating and are forced back from the 60 meter hill hexes but still have a foothold on some of the 40-meter hill hexes.

I made the biggest mistake with the Greek units of trying to take control of the 60-meter hill hexes from the German, when maybe just occupying the 40-meter hill hexes might have worked for victory points. Not sure, will try it out next time. I didn’t count demoralized units as controlling anything.

The German got 11 points for eliminating Greek steps and 6 points for controlling all the 60-meter hexes for 17 points. The Greeks got 2 points for eliminating 1 German step and 6 points for controlling 3 of the 40-meter hexes, for a total of 8 points, with the difference giving the Germans a Major Victory. The Greeks also lost 2 Leaders and the Germans 1 Leader.

A fun size scenario to play and the Greeks do have a chance if they don’t waste so many units assaulting the 60-meter hill top.

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